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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Easton stick?

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hey i was hearing last night from one of the kids on my team, who's dad knows alot of pros because he was the coach for the Jr. CZECH team, that there is a new easton stick coming out that kind of looks like a sicore and is being used by alot of pros/jr. players now. Anyone know? thanks.

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Kinda hard to believe that a lot of pros are using it as most seasons are over.

I don't know of any new Easton sticks that "look like a Si-Core." I would have known if that is the case.

Sure it's not one of the 05s?

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Dude, there's no Fire Scythe.

I know that, but i also dont think theres a new orange easton stick

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I have seen a couple pro's skating in Mission L7's this past winter, at a local rink. It would not be unimaginable for the sponsored players to be recieving new gear before its released.

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Dude, there's no Fire Scythe.

I know that, but i also dont think theres a new orange easton stick

The One.

It's blue

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Right...I don't even think there's a speck of orange on that stick

Blue and yellow right?

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there's a new easton stick.. i saw it, it's called the defense destroyer elite grip!! haha nah.. but i would like some easton sticks.. or maybe some innovative... hmmmm :angry:

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Right...I don't even think there's a speck of orange on that stick

Blue and yellow right?

I thought it was blue and Green, but I could be wrong. It's been a while.

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Right...I don't even think there's a speck of orange on that stick

Blue and yellow right?

I thought it was blue and Green, but I could be wrong. It's been a while.

Nah it's mostly blue and silver with a hint of yellow in it, but it looks very nice I must say

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I heard that its a 15 out of 10 on the easton scale

well, if the stealth is 10 for durability.......

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Yeah, they have a new stick with carbon nano-tubules in it. Anything to jack up the price some more!

Actually, I think all the manufacturers are aware sticks cost too much. That's why some of the companies experimented with increased fiberglass content in the mixture. However, it backfired in some cases, since fiberglass is less durable (and heavier) than the composite materials.

My Swedish sales manager once told me that making a 100% composite stick would be easy. It just wouldn't be affordable.


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Yeah, they have a new stick with carbon nano-tubules in it.  Anything to jack up the price some more!

Actually, I think all the manufacturers are aware sticks cost too much. That's why some of the companies experimented with increased fiberglass content in the mixture. However, it backfired in some cases, since fiberglass is less durable (and heavier) than the composite materials.

My Swedish sales manager once told me that making a 100% composite stick would be easy. It just wouldn't be affordable.


What's "affordable" then? I'd bet most hockey players would say that $200+ USD for a stick that will barely last a month isn't "affordable".

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