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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your Curve

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I read on epuck.com that the retail Inno Kovalev was the same thing as a retail Easton Yzerman. I've been trying to find something similar to the Yzerman for quite some time now, but in a different brand. Looks like the Kovalev is a big deep mid curve with a lie of 6.

Can anyone confirm? Any thoughts?

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damnit. wtf would they say that then? Does inno make anything close to the Yzerman?

McCarty is as close as you're gonna get, but with an open face it's a bit different. Try a Sherwood Coffey/Borque, or a TPS Brendl.

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Grrr. Not in the curve you mentioned. I've been using the Yzerman for 8 years now, and sucks that I'm confined to Easton. I don't like open curves at all, and it has to be a big mid.

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get a gaborik curve...Basically the same curve, except the lie is a 5.5 insetead of a 6

He said he doesn't want another Easton

Kovy_ribs, is Inno discontinuing the Kovalev curve or something? All I've heard is how great the inno composite blades are, and I really want to try out a LH Kovalev.

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get a gaborik curve...Basically the same curve, except the lie is a 5.5 insetead of a 6

He said he doesn't want another Easton

Kovy_ribs, is Inno discontinuing the Kovalev curve or something? All I've heard is how great the inno composite blades are, and I really want to try out a LH Kovalev.

I don't know if they will do a kovalev warrior but all inno pattern are discontinued.

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get a gaborik curve...Basically the same curve, except the lie is a 5.5 insetead of a 6

He said he doesn't want another Easton

Kovy_ribs, is Inno discontinuing the Kovalev curve or something? All I've heard is how great the inno composite blades are, and I really want to try out a LH Kovalev.

I don't know if they will do a kovalev warrior but all inno pattern are discontinued.

So innovative hockey is basically becoming warrior hockey?

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What's the word on the Louisville TPS X-1 blade? It's a Messier curve, which seems to be similar to an Yzerman, but shorter? Don't know how a short blade would work out.

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What's the word on the Louisville TPS X-1 blade? It's a Messier curve, which seems to be similar to an Yzerman, but shorter? Don't know how a short blade would work out.

Mess isn't quite as deep as Yzerman but it's a 6 lie mid curve.

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That just might work then. How is the quality of Louisville hockey product?

I've always liked the shafts and OPS and my pro stock tapered blade has been a tank. If you're LH, I have a couple of Mess X1s.

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really? what type of condition? I'd PM you, but your box is full. ;)

I just cleaned it out, it shouldn't be full

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while we're on the subject of curves, does anyone what naslund's pro curve looks like?

naslund pro, here ya go.



just outta curiosity, what does the naslund pro resemble the most? i love this curve, just not too sure...

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