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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM v130c shaft

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They only sell pro return products because the team cant send them back and they sell the gear to lhs,so they can get back the money they paid for the unused equipment. Plus some of the time pro equipment cost more than retail, depending on what it is.

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But in an another way.....at 300$ without warrenty is STUPID...even 50$ cheaper is sick

Me: i broke my r2xn10 (i paid 220CND$+tax) after 5 week!!! I'm 15yr...you think i have the money to buy another one??

But i have to admit what he did wasnt really nice but...now we are talking about warrenty....i think Stick compagnie are allready f?&* us really deep in our ass with their 350$CND OPS!!

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But the thing is you whine about it yet you are still buying them.....

Cobraa, kovy bought up a good point there. Anyways I dont even buy retail sticks anymore,But thats mainly because no retail stick has a curve I like.Even when I bought retail sticks I didnt send them back.

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But the thing is you whine about it yet you are still buying them.....

Exactly. If you can't afford to break a $300 stick, don't buy a $300 stick.

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i was always using 100$ shaft with blade ...i then decide to give a try to a tapered shaft and i whanted to try the Sicore inginla but didn't like the shaft....

Anyways, I was able to get a warrenty shaft,and is still going strong...so i did not bought another one...and i would never buy another one....

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I'd use the sticks if they didn't have warantees because basically they don't. If a stick is not defective, barring any freak accident/extremely vicious play it's not going to break in 30 days.

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just wondering, can legal action be taken against jackasses who pull stunts like hockeymon did?

they could go to jail, its just like crashing ur car just to get insurance money, someone should report this to CCM i think just to punish him for being so stupid

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K whoa calm down all of you. You guys are getting a tad bit intense over this. I purchased this stick about 2 weeks to the end of the season, and during the season went through at least a grand worth of sticks. I figured since i wasn't playing competitive hockey for another 3-4 months, why keep the stick and slowly hack away at it through summer leagues and what not, and have to buy a brand new one at the season's start. Im not trying to glorify anything and am not trying "beat the system" like some of you said. I know i should have kept my mouth closed about this, but saying that it's people like me who make these sticks so damn expensive. Please guys.

a) Why did you buy the stick if you were just going to break it?

B) If there were two weeks left in the season, why not wait until next season?

c) If you weren't a total tard you would have thought through this and realized you should have gotten a cheaper stick to use for 2 weeks plus the offseason.

d) You are a twat, oh man, I feel so sorry for you, it must be so hard commiting fraud, isn't it?

On another note, does anyone just play so much that they can break good composite sticks within thirty days, or know anyone?

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son i break comp sticks all the time during the season especially theyre pieces of crap but i still buy some of them. i once broke 2 xn10s in one game and that should not happen in the course of normal play. the truth is these companies set themselves up for this whole fraud thing by making it so easy to do. i havent done it in a while (almost 2 years) but, and i may be wrong, i doubt there are many people on here who have not gotten a receipt or something, i know people who do it on a regular basis. personally to avoid this situation i went back to a shaft/blade combo because for what you pay for these sticks they should come with a trip to florida or something but thats what they cost so...

while i feel a company should be able to trust consumers not to abuse the system they have i know that i cant say i was perfect with it and i doubt many people can, the sticks are expensive and they perform but if there is a way then people will even if it takes a little lie. the only way for a company to protect itself from this is to no longer offer the warranty and drop the price. alot. im not sure i wont be roasted for this viewpoint in here but i would almost prefer to see that happen than the prices keep goin up with durability goin down and more warranties coming in.

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I'd be all for a drop in prices without the warranty, but I don't know if too many others would. If I could get a high end OPS for around $100, I'd gladly give up a warranty. Simple math example- say the sticks sell for $150 (which is low, but it makes things easier) and you buy 3 sticks and break one. Its cheaper to buy four sticks for a total of $400 than it is to buy 3 and get a warranty replacement for $450 (plus add on whatever you pay to ship the stick back to the company). How many people honestly break their sticks in the first month of use? From what I've seen, its far less than the 1/3 used in the example.

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I'd be all for a drop in prices without the warranty, but I don't know if too many others would. If I could get a high end OPS for around $100, I'd gladly give up a warranty. Simple math example- say the sticks sell for $150 (which is low, but it makes things easier) and you buy 3 sticks and break one. Its cheaper to buy four sticks for a total of $400 than it is to buy 3 and get a warranty replacement for $450 (plus add on whatever you pay to ship the stick back to the company). How many people honestly break their sticks in the first month of use? From what I've seen, its far less than the 1/3 used in the example.

I would say close to 95% of the broken sticks I see are due to slashes or banging a stick on the ice, boards or posts and not due to manufacturers defect. If a manufacturer were to ever enforce that portion of their warranty, people would scream bloody murder.

Most of the kids I talk to think they should be able to abuse their stick in any way they can think up and the still should still be replaced if it breaks.

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Exactly. People view what companies offer as more of a form of insurance than as what it really is, a warranty against manufacturing defects. So if "anything" happens to them, they are entitled to a new stick within 30 days. Honestly if I broke a stick by slashing it over the crossbar within the warranty period, not only would I feel like an ass, I'd also never even think about sending it in.

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I'd be all for a drop in prices without the warranty, but I don't know if too many others would.

I doubt that $300 sticks cost $300 (CDN) because they are thrice as costly to make as $100 sticks, but I'd love to hear from someone in the know that I'm wrong. I'd bet that they cost $300 because that's what the market will bear for top-end sticks, and I bet that top-end sticks will ALWAYS cost about $300. There is a maxim about personal computers that says the computer you want always costs about $5000, and I bet something similar is true for sticks as well. Because of this, I doubt that dropping the 30-d warranty would affect prices of sticks much, if at all.

Frankly, I have a hard time people are shelling out that kind of money for a stick in any part because it comes with a 30-d warranty, since as I understand many of these warranties are good for one replacement only. So if you wouldn't buy a stick that DIDN'T come with a 30-d warranty, why would you buy a stick that breaks within 30-d, if all you could get was a single replacement. In other words, if a short 30-d warranty is that important to you, you probably shouldn't be buying that stick.

As for hockeymon, his attempts at rationalizing his behavior are all in vain, and reveal him to be even a greater idiot than he may at first have appeared to be. The guy explains breaking his stick because he doesn't want to "hack at it playing summer league" ? How is that an explanation when he could simply have chosen NOT TO USE IT IN SUMMER LEAGUE ? He still is, after all, stuck without a stick for summer league. So how is he better off ? All we can do is hope that what goes around, comes around, and that one (or more) day(s) soon he will take one up the arse just like he deserves.

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I'd be all for a drop in prices without the warranty, but I don't know if too many others would.

I doubt that $300 sticks cost $300 (CDN) because they are thrice as costly to make as $100 sticks, but I'd love to hear from someone in the know that I'm wrong. I'd bet that they cost $300 because that's what the market will bear for top-end sticks, and I bet that top-end sticks will ALWAYS cost about $300. There is a maxim about personal computers that says the computer you want always costs about $5000, and I bet something similar is true for sticks as well. Because of this, I doubt that dropping the 30-d warranty would affect prices of sticks much, if at all.

They would be selling the exact same stick as they do now. But because they wouldn't have to "give away" any as warranties, they would see more of a profit from each direct stick. Therefore, they could lower cost of the stick. Sticks sell for a lot because people are willing to pay that much for them. Its simple supply and demand. But if companies were to take away the warranty, they would in essence be selling the consumer less. Because there is such a high return rate on broken sticks, they have to keep prices a little higher to cover the cost of these sticks which they're basically giving away. They make no money on a stick that they send out as a warranty stick. But if companies took each stick that they make now and sold it to stores, not keeping any for warranty purposes, they could in theory lower the prices. This is the way I think of it, and of course I could view it wrong from a company's standpoint (I'd be real interested to see what they have to say). Take your computer example. When you purchase a new computer they offer you an extended warranty, which you pay for. Obviously, it costs money to purchase this. So without the warranty you pay less. Of course I would hope there aren't as many idiots out there purposely breaking their computers as there are kids with their sticks. But when it comes down to it, I can't see how financially, a company would make money off of offering a warranty that is set up in this fashion, which basically trusts the consumer to do the right thing. I don't think that the companies are gouging prices, and if they had the choice, they'd probably lower prices on OPS across the board. The demand would increase significantly and they would presumably make more money because more people would buy more sticks.

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It isn't worth the negative PR hit the company will take. The only way it would work is if all of the major manufacturers did it at once and at that point they would be conspiring to set market conditions and not allow for free market determination. That could open them up to potential issues with the RICO laws in the US.

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Interesting. I never thought that it could reflect poorly upon the company. Still, something as simple as offering the option of buying a warranty would be nice. But I doubt that would happen.

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I'd use the sticks if they didn't have warantees because basically they don't. If a stick is not defective, barring any freak accident/extremely vicious play it's not going to break in 30 days.

I agree, most sticks break like a week after the warranty is up, If not they wont break for awhile. So basicly you have to put a pounding on the stick for 25 days and see if it breaks, but most likely wont unless you intentionally do it.

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They would be selling the exact same stick as they do now. But because they wouldn't have to "give away" any as warranties, they would see more of a profit from each direct stick. Therefore, they could lower cost of the stick. Sticks sell for a lot because people are willing to pay that much for them.

I agree that the company would be selling the customer less if no warranty was offered, and that they could then theoretically afford to lower prices. Whether or not it would make economic sense for them to do so is another question.

My argument is that the most that most people are willing to pay for a top-end stick is about $300, and that the warranty figures in very little, if at all to the decision to pay that kind of money - if you can afford to pay $300, you can't *really* be worrying that much about it breaking in the first 30-days. Therefore, even if their costs were lower by dropping the warranties, I'm skeptical that the companies would lower their prices much, because the people who were buying $300 sticks would probably mostly continue to buy them at that price without a fairly insignificant warranty. There is a reason why every top-end company's top-end OPS costs about the same.

I wouldn't call this gouging, but the companies do have a responsibility to their shareholders to charge the price for their product which will net them the greatest profit. What determines this price is how much demand varies with the price of the product (price elasticity of demand, Economics 101) along with how much cost varies with units produced.

And to go back to the computer example, I DO know people who have abused the system in exactly the same way. One guy I knew bought a 3-y extended warranty for a computer from Circuit City, when it was close to being up he fried the motherboard and got a brand-new, and more powerful (since they no longer made computers as slow as his original) computer. The only way I can imagine that this is economically feasible for the insuring companies (and it must be, given how hard they hawk the extended warranties) is that the people who are buying extended warranties must be mostly fair and responsible adults instead of stupid punk-ass kids like hockeymon who are busy buying sticks that are way too expensive for their Mom and Dad's budget.

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K whoa calm down all of you. You guys are getting a tad bit intense over this. I purchased this stick about 2 weeks to the end of the season, and during the season went through at least a grand worth of sticks. I figured since i wasn't playing competitive hockey for another 3-4 months, why keep the stick and slowly hack away at it through summer leagues and what not, and have to buy a brand new one at the season's start. Im not trying to glorify anything and am not trying "beat the system" like some of you said. I know i should have kept my mouth closed about this, but saying that it's people like me who make these sticks so damn expensive. Please guys.

To put it simply, what you have done is a federal offense. If the company so chose, it could have you up on charges of mail fraud.

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You know why there are warranties Kosydar? not because its an "added bonus," its because if there weren't, nobody would buy a damn 300$ stick that's why. Without the warranties, these companies would make jack squat off of these sticks, cuz i along with many people would sure as hell not buy them without the warranty. Don't go attacking me and accusing me of committing fraud, give me a break. Do you really think a rep. from CCM will see this thread and immediately think to himself " Geez i never knew this could happen, let's raise all the prices of our sticks and take away the warranties." Be real man, and calm down.

Genius, why do you think the companies put a cap on 1 warranty replacement per purchase? It was specifically because of people pulling crap like you.

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