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Eagle - "Oldest glove company in hockey?"

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Check this out -

"A little known fact is that Eagle are actually the oldest glove company in hockey. Over the years they have made gloves for almost every other company in the industry under the "Forte" name. It is because of their expertise that they are one of the only companies that will still make single order player gloves with custom specifications."


Any truth to this?

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she probably has a thing for the guy, plus, if you had that kind of access to some hot actress (Jessica Alba comes to mind), wouldn't you be kinda like that too?

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that girl needs to get a life. is she the mother of his kid, or does she hope the next one?

btw who the hell is he anyway?

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the glove thing i dont think is true cause i thought eagle was made in the late 90's and when you fo to there site http://www.eaglecustomsports.com/ it says 1997

It says it right in the post. They made gloves for many companys under the name Forte. They have done that for years.

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the glove thing i dont think is true cause i thought eagle was made in the late 90's and when you fo to there site http://www.eaglecustomsports.com/ it says 1997

It says it right in the post. They made gloves for many companys under the name Forte. They have done that for years.

Yeah, but years as in "oldest glove company in hockey?" Older than Bauer/Canstar? Or CCM?

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Isn't Eagle Canadian? Why would an Italian girl know so much?

Vez's gloves are Eagle Pro-Glo X-80s. He has a couple of pairs made custom made each season back in Canada.

Thats from the site.

She is a little obsessed maybe?

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She probably even knows when he bought it and where and for what price. Every single detail she knows. I correct myself.

Shes a little to OBSESSED

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That is both one of the funniest and saddest things I have ever seen.

However, according to the Cardiff Devils' website, that IS the "official" Vezio Sacratini website. But if so, I can't understand why the poor girl would have to actually buy most of the stuff herself.

But she's doing a good job, I had never heard of this guy before, but I now know more about him than I ought to, and I doubt I'll forget his name for a while...

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haha does he have a stie Kovy_Ribs.com? :lol:

I dont know. To be honest, i could really care less.

I was kidding, hence the smilies.

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It sounds like she was his billet host for this Vez guy when he first stayed in england or something in her bio. At least that explains how she knows him. As for how obsessed she is, OCD? :P

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That is funny...

and just to clarify....Mission was the first to use the Pro-Glo Material...Original Bilt-Rite Works gloves were available in Pro Glo....A few years before Eagle made it really popular....

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Eagle is the best glove company i think. Im using x90's FCR version. Love them.

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It's amazing what people will post on the internet. Fletch, where did you find this site? Are you a fan of this guy as well?? :D


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Lol i have never heard of this guy. When i was reading the site i thought it was the London Knights in Ontario until i figured it was London, UK

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