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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do you think this will happen?

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don't know exactly what to think. personally i don't trust in predictions in general. so i'm skeptic. Hope i'll be here in 2012 and see id they were right or wrong.

future prediction is like weather forecast. Nice try. but most of the times they're wrong. expecially in periods longer than half a day...

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Yeah, but the mayans were the most techonlogically advance people. Well atleast they don't think the world will end so it's all good.

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Jeez, now I find out the world is speeding up and I thought my slapshot was finally picking up speed because of the 85 flex Synergy SL Lidstrom pattern. Another $150 down the drain!!

But that still doesn't explain why I didn't pick up any speed in my end-to-end Paul Coffey rushes with my Vapor XX's. Oh yeah, I'm almost 50 years old. Forgot that part.

Let's get to 2012 first before we worry about this nonsense. Wasn't the world supposed to go bonkers the second we turned to year 2000? Yeah, right, like that was going to happen.

Are the Mayans in the World Championships of Hockey? We didn't get any WCH on TV this year so maybe I missed their games in the early rounds. Heck, are the Mayans even around? What good are predictions if you don't live long enough to see them?

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I follow what the bible says and what I believe from personal/influnecial experiences. The bible says the end of the world will not be caused by the destruction humans caus on themselvs but the second comming of christ, and untill then I'm not taking a number or any other different method of crazy technology that coul POTENTIALLY change the world.

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If you believe in Gypsies, Prophets, Numerology or any of that BS, you need to get your head checked. Stop living such damn paranoid lives and just live.

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If you believe in Gypsies, Prophets, Numerology or any of that BS, you need to get your head checked. Stop living such damn paranoid lives and just live.

I agree that people believe in some odd things but why not just leave each to his own?

BTW, gypsies are real. Not in the mystical, fortune telling sense, but in that they are a real group of nomadic people who have no allegiance to country/sovereignty.

Kinda like globlal hobos if you will.

Pronunciation: 'jip-sE

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural Gypsies

Etymology: by shortening & alteration from Egyptian

1 : a member of a traditionally itinerant people who originated in northern India and now live chiefly in south and southwest Asia, Europe, and No. America

2 : ROMANY 2

3 not capitalized : one that resembles a Gypsy; especially : WANDERER

Also, Jesus was a prophet. I am not 100% sure about the things people say he did, but he was a real person and historical figure.

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If you believe in Gypsies, Prophets, Numerology or any of that BS, you need to get your head checked. Stop living such damn paranoid lives and just live.

I agree that people believe in some odd things but why not just leave each to his own?

BTW, gypsies are real. Not in the mystical, fortune telling sense, but in that they are a real group of nomadic people who have no allegiance to country/sovereignty.

Kinda like globlal hobos if you will.

Pronunciation: 'jip-sE

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural Gypsies

Etymology: by shortening & alteration from Egyptian

1 : a member of a traditionally itinerant people who originated in northern India and now live chiefly in south and southwest Asia, Europe, and No. America

2 : ROMANY 2

3 not capitalized : one that resembles a Gypsy; especially : WANDERER

Also, Jesus was a prophet. I am not 100% sure about the things people say he did, but he was a real person and historical figure.

With all this crap spreading around, your gonna have a bunch of nutbulls on the eve of the "apocalypse"/"Armageddon" or whatever BS people believe in, go on a murderous rampage or something claiming its in the name of "God" or they must stop the "demons" or "aliens" from ending it all. I just wish all these moronic prophecies or numerologies stopped spreading.

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That's fair and I can see your point of view. But instead of condemning moronic beliefs perhaps we can condemn moronic people.

A great example is, as you mentioned God.

Though much evil has been done in His name, so has much good. For every nut who kills in the name of God there is someone helping others in the name of God.

Same thing with Muslims. They're not evil, but the terrorists who claim to act in behalf of Islam are.

Ya know what I mean? Don't blame the motive, blame the perpetrator.

Of course everyone has the right to their own point of views.

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Our DNA is being re-programmed from the Universe (as predicted in the Mayan Prophecy).

*We are going from 2 strand back to 12 strand DNA.

* All newly born children will probably be telepathic at birth.

* All plagues of the 90's, including AIDS will be gone (LETS HOPE THIS IS TRUE)

*This means that 16 hours now equate to a 24 hour day. Time is speeding up!

^^^^I Doubt it....Children born with telepathic abilites...16 hr days, I DOUBT it

But hey you never know....Ive seen just as weird things

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Our DNA is being re-programmed from the Universe (as predicted in the Mayan Prophecy).

*We are going from 2 strand back to 12 strand DNA.

* All newly born children will probably be telepathic at birth.

I don't know how that could be possible considering how can DNA change in a living thing?

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Is that why the Mayans had computers and cell phones?

Let me rephrase, They were the most technologically advanced people of their time, so if they were around now I'd guess they'd be the most powerfull country in the world

Darkstar: The Mayans aren't around now, I believe the Aztecs conquered them but I could be wrong. You should learn about the Mayns/ Aztecs in a world history class.

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Thats my point: the Mayans are not around and the Aztec flame flickered out a while ago, too. My school days are over but I know some world history. The North American continent has two of the most technologically advanced countries of our time but both of them are doing a pretty good job of screwing things up right now. Technologically advanced does not guarantee anything now or in the future. "You've got to love life to have life and you've got to have life to love life." Name the play that is from and the secrets of living now will be revealed to you.

Don't wait for 2012 to book a vacation, do it now!

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Thats my point: the Mayans are not around and the Aztec flame flickered out a while ago, too. My school days are over but I know some world history. The North American continent has two of the most technologically advanced countries of our time but both of them are doing a pretty good job of screwing things up right now. Technologically advanced does not guarantee anything now or in the future. "You've got to love life to have life and you've got to have life to love life." Name the play that is from and the secrets of living now will be revealed to you.

Don't wait for 2012 to book a vacation, do it now!

That play is "Our Town". I had to read that this summer for AP English. It's weird because I just finished it a few days ago and now it is mentioned here.

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Way to go Sniper15!!!

"Once in a while you can get shown the light

In the strangest of places if you look at it right."

Scarlet Begonias

Words by Robert Hunter, music by Jerry Garcia

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im sorry but i think that is all bullsh*it! how the hell woudl the myans kow what was going to happen in 2012? (it probably said in the reading but i was to lazy to read it all) there civilization died out thousands of years ago!

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The whole thing about the mayans is that they have made the most accurate predictions through the years. As it says the calendar has never been wrong. While I have never heard those interperetations, I have heard that the world is supposed to end because the calendar stops December 21st, 2012 (that's if i recall the History Channel episode correctly). It wouldn't suprise me if the world ended in 2012 given what's happening now. All it takes is one country to launch a nuke and its all over.

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The whole thing about the mayans is that they have made the most accurate predictions through the years. As it says the calendar has never been wrong. While I have never heard those interperetations, I have heard that the world is supposed to end because the calendar stops December 21st, 2012 (that's if i recall the History Channel episode correctly). It wouldn't suprise me if the world ended in 2012 given what's happening now. All it takes is one country to launch a nuke and its all over.

Accurate predictions, if someone said that brett hull would score 50 goals in 50 games, paul kariya would have 100 points his freshman year at maine, and there would be no NHL season in 2004-2005, then told you that Wayne would return this season, would they necisarily be right?

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I guarantee the world will come to an end....at some point.....likely in the very distant future.

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The whole thing about the mayans is that they have made the most accurate predictions through the years.  As it says the calendar has never been wrong.  While I have never heard those interperetations, I have heard that the world is supposed to end because the calendar stops December 21st, 2012  (that's if i recall the History Channel episode correctly).  It wouldn't suprise me if the world ended in 2012 given what's happening now. All it takes is one country to launch a nuke and its all over.

I probably watched that too. Or was it the their show about the Aztecs? I always get them mixed up.

I also hope the world doesn't end in 2012 becuase all my school was a waste of my time.

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Its been that way since 1945.

Yea, but in 1950's through 80's the only countries with nukes were United States and Russia. Now there are 9 (i think thats the right number) countries with nukes. There are many unfriendly countries developing nukes right now. All we have to do is piss them off.

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