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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I've heard the lottery will be on TV, so I assume at least the first round of the draft will be.

Anyone know whether the NHL will be giving away free center ice packages for a portion of the year? I heard a rumbling about that the other day.

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You beat me to it. It would be a shame if he went to the Wild and joined Lemaire's defensive cult.

To tie up two of the sub-threads, perhaps having a more level playing field salary-wise would allow the Wild to afford better players so it can compete without trapping all the time. If obstruction really is curbed, the Wild might have to change its style to keep winning. Lemaire would have to go, though.

(It's nice to talk like sports fans again.)

Minnesota has money and has turned a profit every year since they have come back into the league. They simply choose not to spend it to put a better product on the ice.

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Let's go for the 400th post here....anyways...

I say Crosby to Atlanta. Kovalchuk/Crosby/Heatley all on one line; that would be completely nuts. I agree with whoever said that Crosby'll take unnecessary attention in a Canadian team (I'm Canadian btw). I really wish that he doesn't end up in NY (either teams) OR NJ. However, if Crosby goes to my Sens......

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I thought I heard on TSN that the draft will be closed to either the public and or/media, and that it is 7 rounds instead of 9.

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he's much weaker and not nearly as agressive.

How much have you seen him play? I think he is more creative, a much better passer, and every bit as quick

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I'm a Rangers fan, but I think the NHL would LOVE to have him in NY - for the marketing factor. A fresh face trying to promote the game in the world's largest market - just the kind of person you want to go mainstream with. You might see some Patrick Ewing-type draft manipulation...don't be surprised...

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I think it might go the other route. I think it will be manipulation to get him into one of the most troubles markets to drum up fan support. Don't be surprised to see him in a Panthers or 'Canes jersey on draft day.

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I'm not too sure. The NHL needs star appeal and they need people to notice it. Where else than New York? Please don't say Toronto - Canada is very aware of a sport called hockey. When was the NHL at its peak? When the Rangers won in 1994 - remember that summer, the most fashionable thing to wear was a hockey jersey - all over MTV and the like. The lockout the following season took the wind out of their sails.

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The "Crosby Watch" is going to happen no matter where he ends up. Anything he does his first season will be featured on SportsCenter and I guarantee his first pro game will be televised nationally.

Remember when Gretzky first came on the scene. Coast to coast, everyone heard of what this youngster in Edmonton was doing. And that was before national tv contracts and with a fledgling ESPN.

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I'm not too sure. The NHL needs star appeal and they need people to notice it. Where else than New York? Please don't say Toronto - Canada is very aware of a sport called hockey. When was the NHL at its peak? When the Rangers won in 1994 - remember that summer, the most fashionable thing to wear was a hockey jersey - all over MTV and the like. The lockout the following season took the wind out of their sails.

The hockey jersey thing really started once Hollywood types took to the Kings.

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Yes, but when did Gretzky truly become mainstream? In LA. Miami and Raleigh cannot offer that star power. Miami could - but they're just not interested in hockey, and the Panthers don't play there. Nobody goes up to Sunrise to watch hockey - it's too far. If they were playing downtown at the AAA it'd be a different situation.

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The "Crosby Watch" is going to happen no matter where he ends up. Anything he does his first season will be featured on SportsCenter and I guarantee his first pro game will be televised nationally.

If he ends up in say Edmonton or Minnesota or another smaller market The "Crosby Watch" will only be viewed by existing hockey fans. People who would be seeing those games anyway.

If he ends up in NYR, it begins bigger than just current fans...new fans may be drawn into the hype that will surround him.

He may start in Rangers red, white and blue (unless Gainey is really luck in the lotto) but mark my words...Crosby will wear bleu, blanc et rouge in Montreal before his carrer ends...

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I think he lands in Raleigh, Nashville, or Atlanta then you could do some interesting cross marketing, tap into the NASCAR folks. That could be a huge boon for the NHL.

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...but the South has had hockey for years before that. The ECHL has had moderate success with the hitting and the fighting. Unfortunately that's what is gonna turn on the NASCAR folks to hockey. The NHL needs a star in a large market who can be mainstream. Look at David Beckham - world-famous and it's not even because of his soccer skills (and he's not even all that good.) But whenever Real or England has a world tour, you get fans that show up aren't necessarily soccer fans. Hell, look at Danica Patrick. The NHL needs a player who can transcend the sport and bring in fans, and I think the best way that it can be done is if it is in a large market.

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...but the South has had hockey for years before that. The ECHL has had moderate success with the hitting and the fighting. Unfortunately that's what is gonna turn on the NASCAR folks to hockey. The NHL needs a star in a large market who can be mainstream. Look at David Beckham - world-famous and it's not even because of his soccer skills (and he's not even all that good.) But whenever Real or England has a world tour, you get fans that show up aren't necessarily soccer fans. Hell, look at Danica Patrick. The NHL needs a player who can transcend the sport and bring in fans, and I think the best way that it can be done is if it is in a large market.

So what your saying, is that the number one draft pick for 2005 is David Beckham? ;)

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I just think you need Crosby to revive a market, do some nice things and bring attention to that market. I think putting him in NY would be a waste. It already has the attention and MSG is banged out regardless of how the Rangers do. My belief is that Crosby needs to be the Lemieux of another struggling market.

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personally, i'd like to see crosby go to detroit, my favorite team, but in all likely hood that won't happen. out of the four teams with the 3 balls in the lottery, i really hope columbus gets him. columbus would be through the roof as a team, with crosby, nash, zherdev, and denis. although, the rangers wouldn't be a bad fit with the likes of jagr to help him along.

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Commercial idea off the top of my head................

Kovalchuk wins Daytona on skates...........Dale Jr and a couple other guys lamenting his speed as he sprays the champagne........

Come on NHL, get creative.

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Idea #2...............

Clemens or Johnson on the mound firing heaters......speed gun shows speed in mid 90's after each one..........pitching coach calls for new kid...........(insert marketable hockey player here) on the mound in full gear............fires a slapper down the pipe into the catcher's mitt...........gun shows higher speed than pitcher.......a couple more quick ones.........cut to lockerroom, real pitcher getting dropped by coach...........

looks good in my head.........

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...but the South has had hockey for years before that.  The ECHL has had moderate success with the hitting and the fighting.    Unfortunately that's what  is gonna turn on the NASCAR folks to hockey.  The NHL needs a star in a large market who can be mainstream.  Look at David Beckham - world-famous and it's not even because of his soccer skills (and he's not even all that good.) But whenever Real or England has a world tour, you get fans that show up aren't necessarily soccer fans.  Hell, look at Danica Patrick.  The NHL needs a player who can transcend the sport and bring in fans, and I think the best way that it can be done is if it is in a large market.

So what your saying, is that the number one draft pick for 2005 is David Beckham? ;)

Yep. He'll stay parked at the defensive end hash mark and curl them in over the lines to wingers.

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