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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lightest woodies

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I was just curious what the lightest wood sticks that all the companies make weigh in at?

I'm considering moving back to wood unless I can't find anything that compares in weight to my si-core grip. So I was just curious what clocks in close for weight (if anything).

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Im not sure about its exact wieght but the easton zcarbon is alot lighter than most other sticks. I had actually been using a synergy until a team mate turned me on to them, and I really love um. Cause its a wood stick you get the better feel but the way its balanced makes it almost feel like a composite stick. It is also pretty durable compared to other wood sticks

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Nike Quest Zero G is supposed to be really light

edit: I think they have them at south windsor too

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your not going to find a true wood stick that is going to even be close to a si core.

on the other hand, if you want a good wood stick regardless of weight, go with a montreal, sher wood, or a z-carbon.

also, theres alot of other topics on this subject, so you might try searching for them they could be useful

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I switched from a synergy grip to the Z Carbon and i didnt notice to much of a change in weight. In my expereince with them the durabilty isnt too great. With two practices and a game or two a week I was lucky to get two weeks out of a stick, and at 45 bucks cnd a pop it got pretty expensive, so I started just using them for games.

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What sticks have a good feel to them similar to wood? The most important part of my game right now is my passing and dangles so as long as I can take a good wrister with them, are somewhat light, and I get the good feel to them, what would sound good for my game? My si-core is alright, I'm not a huge fan, so I was wondering how the feel for some of these other sticks are, as I've only used the si-core, a couple vapor XX, and my daul-fit inno's.

Thanks for the help everyone.

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From the reviews I've read the hespeler alpha nemesis has amazing feel for a OPS. It's suppost to be way better in the feel dept. compared to others like the Sicore. Also some light woodies I wana try are the nike zero G and the bauer fiber elite.

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Harrow had a stand at a tournament a couple weeks ago and my freinds dad is part owner of Harrow so I got 3 Christian wood sticks and I swear they are as light as my SL. They have a pretty decent curve and at 15 bucks for all of them I couldn't go wrong. I can't wait for hockey to try them out.

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