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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mirrored Visors

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I was just wondering if anyone on the board had used one. I'm talking about the one like Ovechkin used. I wanted to get one for a camp i'm working in this summer and just for screwing aroud with my buddies. I realize the Itech one isn't certified, but I won't be using the visor anywhere it'll need to be certified. If you kno of any certified one though that would be good aswell...or if you can put straps on ne so it'll be like a certified one. Anyway what i'm basically interested in is how easy it is to see out of, if the puck gets idden at all etc.


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the mirrored visor is a little darker than a regular tint, but if you are just playing roller its fine... it blocks off a lot of the glare and if you like the regular tint but need it a little darker its parrfect!

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I haven't used a visor, I have to wear a cage is roller and ice hockey..The visor will be for Ice Hockey...another question is if i'm looking at you you (assuming your wearing a mirroe visor.. and i see your eyes...I ask because I think the kids in the camp would be more comfortable if they could see my eyes when i'm talking to them.

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Because in Ottawa...I think maybe even all of Canada you need to wear a helmet whenever your on the ice for insirance reasons etc. Even the zamboni people have to wear some sort of head protection.

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For a visor to be certified it must pass a Luminance Transmittance test - ie: a certain amount of light has to get through the shield. For a tinted visor to be certified you need the number to be at least 60% and for a clear visor you need at least 80%. The mirrored number is below 60% and to get it to reach 60% it wouldn't resemble a mirror anymore.

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the mirrored visor is a little darker than a regular tint, but if you are just playing roller its fine... it blocks off a lot of the glare and if you like the regular tint but need it a little darker its parrfect!

Absoluetly. I used to wear one for inline during the summer, at an outdoor rink, and it would get very annoying because of the sun.

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I was just wondering if anyone on the board had used one. I'm talking about the one like Ovechkin used. I wanted to get one for a camp i'm working in this summer and just for screwing aroud with my buddies. I realize the Itech one isn't certified, but I won't be using the visor anywhere it'll need to be certified. If you kno of any certified one though that would be good aswell...or if you can put straps on ne so it'll be like a certified one. Anyway what i'm basically interested in is how easy it is to see out of, if the puck gets idden at all etc.


goalies do not look at player's eyes, so I don't think the visor will trick anyone, except perhaps a beginner.

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I was just wondering if anyone on the board had used one. I'm talking about the one like Ovechkin used. I wanted to get one for a camp i'm working in this summer and just for screwing aroud with my buddies. I realize the Itech one isn't certified, but I won't be using the visor anywhere it'll need to be certified. If you kno of any certified one though that would be good aswell...or if you can put straps on ne so it'll be like a certified one. Anyway what i'm basically interested in is how easy it is to see out of, if the puck gets idden at all etc.


goalies do not look at player's eyes, so I don't think the visor will trick anyone, except perhaps a beginner.

I wouldn't think the real advantage would be against the goaltender. I think it would be against defenders because there would be less chance of them being able to read who you're going to pass to by looking at your eyes. Just a thought.

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When I had this visor it so nice to trick back checkers and defenseman, I could turn my head, but look to the right of the goaltender and either make a pass if someone was there or take the shot, while everyone else would think the exact opposite due to "head fake."

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so are we allowed to wear mirrored visors while playin ice hockey or are we only allowed to wear clear and tinted ones?

Players under 18 are required to wear a CAGE or CAGE SHIELD COMBO.


Adults can wear any kind of visor they want. TAKING THE FOLLOWING RULE INTO CONSIDERATION:

The helmet shall not be altered in any way or have more holes drilled into it.

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if you are playing anything under junoir hockey, you have to wear a cage, with the exeptions of beer leaguers and college hockey

correct :P

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And what kind of college hockey is excluded from wearing cages? ;) well i know D1 you have to wear cages but in leagues under that do you have to?

As mentioned above, every level under juniors you must wear a cage or cage/shield combo.

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There seems to be some confusion here.

College hockey is not "under" junior, and ALL college hockey in the US requires full facemasks (D1, D3, ACHA Club). What about Canadian college/university hockey though, are the allowed to wear halfies?

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You are In canadian college yes,

Not all Universities. Quebec and Ontario wear Full face maskes, where as the West and Atlantic wear visors.

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I don't know about you guys, but for me it is important that my teammates can see my eyes. There are a couple of guys I play with that it seems we can set up some nice plays just by communicating with each other with eye contact. Sometimes it is nice to know someone is looking at you if you are about to pass to them, too. I would think D pairings benefit from being able to see each other's eyes, too.

Anyone agree?

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