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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Well I used to have it but it expired a couple weeks ago. I didnt renew it for summer cause I was going to be out partying and stuff. It used to be FONZIE 906, Ill tell you my new one if I renew it. Did you just get Live or something?

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doesnt work sherwood

Hmm..well it's me and 2 other guys for when we game but I'll check what the numbers are. ReallyGood is right though hahah

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Damagex2, just started playing Halo 2 on it, got in to a clan and things like that but im still a level 1 :( How do i gain levels?

I'm a decent player nothing special really, on average i kill as much as i die

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My tag name is Kellsss

usually I am playing Halo 2 when I am on Live.

sometimes I play Fifa 06 and NBA 06 when I have time but the guys playing most of the sports games are pretty nasty and it just gets frustrating. All you guys playing Halo 2, though, we should play sometime.

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Back in my dorm my roommate had it. N1ckk1. People always thought it was nickki, but it was supposed to be Nick K 1. Anyway, we only played NHK 2K6. We were damn good, too. #19 in the world.

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Does anybody still play NHL 2k6 online?

I desperatley need to play somebody online playing a predictable computer can get REALLY boring :(

So if anybody wants to play me or join one of the leagues I have joined my name is "DAMAGEX2" I'm not perticually good but i pretty much just got the game for the online play and nobody wants to play me :(:(

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Does anybody still play NHL 2k6 online?

I desperatley need to play somebody online playing a predictable computer can get REALLY boring :(

So if anybody wants to play me or join one of the leagues I have joined my name is "DAMAGEX2" I'm not perticually good but i pretty much just got the game for the online play and nobody wants to play me :(:(

I have it, is it worth playing online?

I dont have Xbox. Its ps2, and I never had any of that "live" stuff. Always just played multiplayer with friends.

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boddah94, i play halo 2

i haven't played in about a year but i still have an account, i'll try to go on later but i usually can't get it to connect. it's a pain in the ass.

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