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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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gamertag = HotBacon

I'm typically playing TW '06 or Madden '07, and have been attempting COD2 lately(although apparently I blow compared to the rest of the people on XBL at it).

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Once I get my XBox set up I'll be modsquadhockey. :)

And I will take on all of you mo'fos in some Madden.

JR, I thikn I will take that challenge, u on a xbox or a 360?

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LOL give me time...I have not played in so long. Gotta get good at it...for now it's just good-natured smacktalk.

Ok you let me know when you feel that your ready to beat me!

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Once I get my XBox set up I'll be modsquadhockey. :)

And I will take on all of you mo'fos in some Madden.

Once you get your XBox set up that will be the end of JR as we know him on MSH.

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LOL gotta talk to Harry, I should be a locked character...defensive awareness 0 pts...

Our faces were in 2K4, 2K5 and 2K6....you could create us and Gary Thorne would say our names and everything during the game...it was cool. But when we went next-gen, they couldn't export the stock face models. D'oh! B)

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Come on, make it happen!

Gotta have the black man in the game! I wonder how bad Thorne would butcher my name...we all know how bad he is with them...

LOL....yeah, I don't think that would sound very good. He probably would have ended up calling you "buccigross." ;)

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I got my 360 hooked up and am still working on getting good at GOW and NHL 07. I should have Rainbow Six Vegas soon as well as Tiger 07.

Like I said before, Gamertag = FLSTORM19

GOW is so f'ing hard in a ranked match because you get all the guys that have already mastered the game, I just got it for Christmas!

However, I am getting better at NHL 07 and will start playing online when I feel comfortable, already got worked in one game so far!

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