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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skates and lengthing stride

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heres the dilema. right now im using 709 SE's with t`blades, and they ARE NOT too small or beat up at all, (if any thing, there bigger than what id like)

right now a lot of scouts and my coaches say that my biggest downfall is my skating. not that its bad, but that i dont reach the full potential of my stride (not quite full extension, and dont come all the way back in)

ive been looking at the flexlite 12s, they seem to fit my foot very nicely, and seem a lot lighter than my current skates. working at a LHS, i can sharpen my skates for free, but dont get t`blades for free, and i also wonder if a contour would help this problem.

so finally- if i do go with new skates and a contour, would this help? how weird would it feel to skate on it? thanks in advance.

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i have graf 703's, and i've found that they've maximized my skating potential and stride. equipment won't make you better, you need to know what to do first. but the proper equipment will help you along the way. your best bet on improving your skating would to either practice out on the rink, or get out some rollerblades and skate laps in a subdivision. worked for me.

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The best option would be powerskating lessons but the 709 is a taller, fairly stiff boot.

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Your problem isn't equipment.

and i know this... just wondering if a contour would help lengthen my stride, considering ive been told thats what a contour does.

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Your problem isn't equipment.

and i know this... just wondering if a contour would help lengthen my stride, considering ive been told thats what a contour does.

A contour will not lengthen your stride.

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Your problem isn't equipment.

and i know this... just wondering if a contour would help lengthen my stride, considering ive been told thats what a contour does.

You included the idea of getting new skates in your post. Also contouring. Neither will fix the immediate problem. They can help, but it won't make the difference you are looking for. Get the proper training.

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I have a similar problem...I bought the Flexlite but i don't feel good with the LS(it bad because IMO LS are the best holder for regular blade) but i'm just too used to t'blades

So i will put t'blades on my skate...maybe you should do the same as me,new skate and t,blades

I'm wondering how light would it be!!!By the way,do the flexlite are the ligthest skate out there?

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Powerskating, increasing groin strength and flexibility, and overall leg strength/power will lengthen your stride. How would changing whats on the bottom of your foot make your leg fire out farther?

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id start power skating or get some ice time where you can do your own thing and just work on stride.you can also practise at home by putting shoes on and then putting your hands against a wall and extend a leg and then drive it through and kinda pretend your skating but really focus on extending your leg back and making sure your knee is locked and you really drive through. then bring this to the ice.

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That is WRONG. Someone with a solid stride could skate with a rubber boot with a tuuk attached to it. Poor fundamentals are poor fundamentals, A NEW SKATE IS NOT GOING TO MAKE YOUR LEG EXTEND FURTHER UNLESS IT HAS SOME KIND OF MECHANISM THAT GRABS THE ICE AND RIPS YOUR LEG OUT FOR YOU!!!!!!

Edit: Sorry about the outburst but I'm truely tired of people thinking equipment is going to magically make them better hockey players. Today a kid in the shop about my age asked me if the Gaborik curve will help his slow wrist shot, I honestly didn't know what to say. I'm pretty sure saying "save the money on the stick and buy 159 pucks to work on your damn shot instead is grounds for being fired." :D

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whooa easy cavs lol. but yeah your right ,skates can help your skating but they cant make you magically skate fantastically. but it does help to have a skate your comfy with

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That is WRONG. Someone with a solid stride could skate with a rubber boot with a tuuk attached to it. Poor fundamentals are poor fundamentals, A NEW SKATE IS NOT GOING TO MAKE YOUR LEG EXTEND FURTHER UNLESS IT HAS SOME KIND OF MECHANISM THAT GRABS THE ICE AND RIPS YOUR LEG OUT FOR YOU!!!!!!

Edit: Sorry about the outburst but I'm truely tired of people thinking equipment is going to magically make them better hockey players. Today a kid in the shop about my age asked me if the Gaborik curve will help his slow wrist shot, I honestly didn't know what to say. I'm pretty sure saying "save the money on the stick and buy 159 pucks to work on your damn shot instead is grounds for being fired." :D

hey, there's a better margin on pucks, you might not get fired if he actually buys them. ;)

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