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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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thats gonna leave a mark

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That wasnt to long ago. I think thats the Aquatic thing in Montreal a week or so ago. Ouch thats got to hurt.

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I think thats happend a couple times before to diffrent people. I think one guy died from it because he hit his head on a cement platform(correct me if im wrong). Man i would hate that.

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she has some luck in this situation.. this thing is flexy and it pops her away,

imagine she would have bashed onto these cemented jump-things (some stages higher) - that would be very bad.

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she had to get like 2 or 3 stiches so it wasnt as bad as it looked

and had some reconstructive surgery on her nose.

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she had to get like 2 or 3 stiches so it wasnt as bad as it looked

and had some reconstructive surgery on her nose.

She didn't even break her nose, I don't think she had "reconstructive surgury" on it.

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she had to get like 2 or 3 stiches so it wasnt as bad as it looked

and had some reconstructive surgery on her nose.

She didn't even break her nose, I don't think she had "reconstructive surgury" on it.

That's what she said in the interview I watched, but I'm sure she made it up.

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ouch! that has to suck

it looked like the board was already going down as she it it, so it wasn't as bad as if the board was bouncing up i guess. also, she came out of her tuck so she wasn't spinning as fast, which is good

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