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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Quick question

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Quick question guys - Im thinking about buying a synergy - si-core - there on sale really cheap over here - im just wondering about the warranty replacement- what happens if it breaks. Firstly - its on sale - will i still be able to send it back if it breaks within the 30 days of purchase? 2) I know the si-core models have been discontinued - what kinda stick will they replace it with? Synergy ST? SL?. 3) If i want a diiferent flex or different curve then the one i broke will they let me change it ?

thanks alot- greatly appreciated.


is this it?............................

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Don't buy a stick for the warranty replacement. If you can get one in a curve or flex you like for a good price, buy it for that reason. As long as there is no notice that the sticks are not covered under warranty, they should replace it if/when it breaks.

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Ya im just wondering - I have never used easton's sticks before - and i am unsure of there curve patterns and flex ratings- just wondering? anymore input would be great .



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Ya im just wondering - I have never used easton's sticks before - and i am unsure of there curve patterns and flex ratings- just wondering? anymore input would be great .



go to the "pattern db" at the top of the page

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the only time easton will allow you to pick a different flex is if they don't have the flex you have in stock. the pattern is only changed if they don't have yours in stock or they no longer make it i.e shananahan.

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If they don't have an exact match for the stick you broke then they will warranty it with something comparable, ie. same flex and curve pattern in a SL/ST grip to replace a Si-Core grip.

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I work at sportchek, I've sold a tonne of the si-core's, and I see no reason why they would not be warrantied. Yes they are discontinued, but they still have the 30 day waranty on the back of the stick. In fact, its almost worth your while to buy it and break it and warranty it. (but not that i recommend it).

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I work at sportchek, I've sold a tonne of the si-core's, and I see no reason why they would not be warrantied. Yes they are discontinued, but they still have the 30 day waranty on the back of the stick. In fact, its almost worth your while to buy it and break it and warranty it. (but not that i recommend it).

Way to incourage people to commit fraud, moron.

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its almost worth your while to buy it and break it and warranty it

What your saying is, to buy it, then break it to get it warrentied for a better stick. I think I read it right. You just must of typed wrong.

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(but not that i recommend it).

Right from the post guys :rolleyes:

It appears that he was just voicing an opinion based on fact, he wasn't actually saying to break the stick.

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I work at sportchek, I've sold a tonne of the si-core's, and I see no reason why they would not be warrantied. Yes they are discontinued, but they still have the 30 day waranty on the back of the stick. In fact, its almost worth your while to buy it and break it and warranty it. (but not that i recommend it).

Way to incourage people to commit fraud, moron.

Knock it off.

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