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pepsi or coke?

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the different tastes of coke in various resturants also has to deal with the water being used. tap water tastes different in every single place you go, that is a big difference, not to mention if place isnt monitoring their C02 machines, the soda can become flat and thus the sweeter taste

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the different tastes of coke in various resturants also has to deal with the water being used. tap water tastes different in every single place you go, that is a big difference, not to mention if place isnt monitoring their C02 machines, the soda can become flat and thus the sweeter taste

You're right about the water. I can always taste the difference at the couple places around here that filter their water.

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I don't drink much soda, but when I do, I go for Coke, and purely for non-taste reasons.

It seems like every commercial Pepsi has, they're trying to prove how much "cooler" and more "hip" they are than Coke. It annoys me to no end.

I hope Pepsi would be thrilled to find out that they're advertising dollars are pushing me towards their competitior.


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Coke. Pepsi is to weak but Ill drink either one when only one is available.

BTW anyone see that new coke commercial with all the people in brown shirts spilling into a glass? I thought it was a pretty sweet commercial.

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yea, that commercial is pretty cool, way better than all those pepsi ones with the p.diddy truck or all of the ones that have a guy who works for coke drinking pepsi. i think there're better ways to advertise than slamming your competitors :P

btw, i like coke better, for taste and also because there's C2

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I quit drinking pop about a year ago but I always liked coke more. Also, theres a huge difference in taste not only from place to place but the material you're drinking out of. I think everything tastes better out of glass versus plastic or paper cups.

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I don't drink much soda, but when I do, I go for Coke, and purely for non-taste reasons.

It seems like every commercial Pepsi has, they're trying to prove how much "cooler" and more "hip" they are than Coke. It annoys me to no end.

I hope Pepsi would be thrilled to find out that they're advertising dollars are pushing me towards their competitior.


I agree. Companies who bash their competitors in their advertisements leave a bad taste in my mouth.

However, in this case I prefer the taste of Pepsi.

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yea, that commercial is pretty cool, way better than all those pepsi ones with the p.diddy truck or all of the ones that have a guy who works for coke drinking pepsi. i think there're better ways to advertise than slamming your competitors :P

btw, i like coke better, for taste and also because there's C2

I was getting so sick of the pepsi commercials. I mean don't get me wrong Brittany is a hottie but there is only so many times in a day where I can see her pop onto the T.V. screen, half dressed, and do a little jig. This new coke commercial was a real eye catcher and a nice change for those same old go back to my early years and look at my retro hair cut.

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also, i like all of coke's products more than pepsis, like sprite, coke with lime, all that stuff

nacho, what the hell is that in your pic? :rolleyes:

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pepsi was the offical soft drink of communist russia in the day.

when all the appartide stuff was happening in south africa coke pulled the plug on their opperation there overnite.

coke is the #1 soft drink in the world. they have several "flavors" that are sold over seas only.

how many of you know that pepsi has MORE acid than coke.

if you haven't guessed i will only drink coke products

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Pepsi also has more of a citrus base - hence the citric acid - and Coke has a carmel base. The differences in flavour should be apparent.

The 'Taste Test' was never about identifying which was which beverage, either. It was supposed to be a test of which tasted better. Anyone who prefers either drink would be able to identify their brand pretty easily, so it's not a great test... made for a good series of commercials for Pepsi though. Wonder what the edit room got to see that we didn't???

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