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Fantasy Hockey

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Hey guys, Im wondering if MSH is going to be doing a fantasy hockey pool at all? www.tsn.com aka The Sporting News has a great program where you pick players for center wing defence goalie etc... Really easy to use and its free! So when this season starts i was going to create one but i wasnt sure if MSH was going to do one, because if they would do one i would play in that. But if not i will create one and anybody from here can play. Would anybody be interested in a Fantasy Hockey?

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Could you explain to me on how Yahoo Fantasy works? I just like TSN because i go in a football pool every year and you earn points by goals, assists, etc..

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Yahoo is a free league, totally custom. You can choose how points are added. I've used it before and I loved it, I would have done it last season, but didn't work cuz there was no hockey. Is TSN free?

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Hey guys, Im wondering if MSH is going to be doing a fantasy hockey pool at all? www.tsn.com aka The Sporting News has a great program where you pick players for center wing defence goalie etc... Really easy to use and its free! So when this season starts i was going to create one but i wasnt sure if MSH was going to do one, because if they would do one i would play in that. But if not i will create one and anybody from here can play. Would anybody be interested in a Fantasy Hockey?

and I quote "Really easy to use and its free!"

You tell me ;) :)

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Lol yep its free. There are games where you could pay to play but there is also the typical free one.

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We will do a Yahoo league again this year as the "Official MSH fantasy League". Perhaps two if there is enough interest.

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Im deffnetly in, Im currently in the baseball one, and losing horribly :D

Care to have a fire sale? I need to make up 20 games or so

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Chadd, could you tell me how you do the Hockey one?

Well, it has been a year and a half since I ran a yahoo hockey league, I believe we ran it as a roto league and not head to head.

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I dont understand really :P, like do you pick players or what?

Yeah a draft is run before the season

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I'll do yahoo, we should do football. maybe I can start capturing msh fantasy titles left and right

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I'll do yahoo, we should do football. maybe I can start capturing msh fantasy titles left and right

You are the official fantasy sports czar of MSH. Great job on the MSH league last time

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Im deffnetly in, Im currently in the baseball one, and losing horribly :D

Care to have a fire sale? I need to make up 20 games or so

The sale has started. haha

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We should use officepools.com. We can pick players this way:

-each participant has 100 tokens

-there are two live drafts held

-all players names are in a hat and then the mod draws a player.

-the bidding then begins on the player.

Since you don't know when or which day the best players will be drawn you must spend smartly.

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We should use officepools.com. We can pick players this way:

-each participant has 100 tokens

-there are two live drafts held

-all players names are in a hat and then the mod draws a player.

-the bidding then begins on the player.

Since you don't know when or which day the best players will be drawn you must spend smartly.

Sounds like a lot of fun if you have a bunch of time to kill every day. :rolleyes:

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I was in an online baseball and football league with my cousin a couple of years ago that was free and fun. I believe it was on Sportline.

The thing that made it fun is everybody started with the same amount of money, plus there was a salary cap, but players' prices changed throughout the year depending on how many people bought the player. So, effectively, it created a stock market effect, and if you bought low and sold high, you'd have more money to buy better players.

So, everybody could own the same players but the one who bought earlier who have amassed more money, because they may have bought Sakic at 1.5M, but Sakic's price might have risen to $2.1M.


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