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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fcuk Rebirth

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Ive run this site for about 5 years now. Crappy site, no point. Very Buggy, but who cares right? Any feedback would be great.

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What is the point in the site (Not to be offensive)

As I said above there is none. Its just a site I throw crap up at when I get bored.

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if theres no point to the site, then what are you asking us exactly? sorry if i am comming off like an ass, i dont mean to

i just dont get what your asking

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"you love oreos and fashion. you go shopping more than i do, you shop at neimans and bloomys and your favorite designers are coach, gucci, d&g, and juicy...you love puppies"

wow vapor, i knew you liked fashion but not to the respect where you outdo your gf .....suspect jk jk

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vapor, are you planning to do the business side of fashion or like actual fashion design? i had a hard time figuring out because all that pink destracted me. other than that, the designs were pretty awesome.

maybe you could work into LV and get them to start making hockey bags :D

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Well my current major is Fashion Merchendising (which is business). Although I love fashion design, and ran a small business (Urban Culture Couture) I cannot draw nor sew well, so that option was pretty much out. I sold jeans and tee shirts for about a year, made a little money, but I would rather be a retail buyer.

I am very stright, so very stright.

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