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Yellow MLB Arm Bands

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Anyone know anything about these yellow sweat bands being worn today throughout major league baseball. I saw them on players and umps at the jays yanks game and also on the same game. Anyone know what theyre for?

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Ya Ive been wondering the same thing. Also at the jays yanks game they were wearing yellow ribbons on their jerseys.

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My fear is that these rubber bands, such as the LIVESTRONG ones - and now these MLB wrist bands - are becoming more of a fashion statement and less of a support for a cause. Do those suffering from cancer, or whatever other cause these things signify, feel better with the masses wearing decorative wrist bands? Ah well, what can be done. Some people do look funny with a rainbow of colours on their wrists. Not a rant, just an observation...

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I agree...but I have two...a LiveStrong and a blue one that says Believe, I've worn em every day since I got em, not for a fashion statement, but supporting the cause

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ive seen this before in the mlb. other games players and umps have worn baby blue armbands. i didint know wat they were for.

Prostate cancer

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In all honesty even if people are buying the wristbands as a fashion satement even better. They'll buy more and more money goes to research. The only thing that bugs me is the fake ones like at Foot locker "baller bands". That really gets on my nerves theat someone is profiting from cancer support other than the patients.

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In all honesty even if people are buying the wristbands as a fashion satement even better. They'll buy more and more money goes to research. The only thing that bugs me is the fake ones like at Foot locker "baller bands". That really gets on my nerves theat someone is profiting from cancer support other than the patients.

Baller bands arent bad. Its the fake livestrong bands that are.

BTW is yellow the official cancer colour or something. I thought it was just Lance choosing to make the bands yellow because of the yellow jersey.

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Do those suffering from cancer, or whatever other cause these things signify, feel better with the masses wearing decorative wrist bands?

After my Mom went into remission from the same Large Cell Lymphoma that killed her father 25 years before and my Grandma and great Aunt recovered from breast cancer in the past year and a half my Mom seemed rather insistent upon getting a yellow band for everyone in the family.

I do see quite a lot of kids on my campus who seem to just be wearing them for pop-value, but I really only wear a livestrong band as a reminder to myself of how precious my Mom and Dad are to me.

Then again, I definitely agree with sweetblazer that the more popular and the more bought, the better.

It has only happened a few times to me that I have been confronted by random angry strangers demanding to know why I was such a pop culture whore and asking what friend of a friend did I know who had cancer?

My reply has been pretty much the same each time...

"Well, my mother, her father and mother, my dad's father and mother, my great uncle, my great aunt, a second cousin..." Shuts 'em up everytime, but it's not very comforting to have to go through that list. <_<

I think I'll just ignore them if it ever happens again.

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