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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How can you buy new skates without

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OK, so I posted here a while back, asking for advice with wide fitting skates, and I appreciate all the feedback I got.

The most common advice was "try them on, don't buy without trying them on", which obviously makes sense.

This past weekend I went to 4 LHS in my area (DC/northern virginia) and none of them carried wide sizes, but all said they could order them for me.

What do I do, I currently wear CCMs 11.5 D width, but they really are too narrow. I am a beginner or just beyond beginner, but not much level skater.

I don't mind investing a bit of money in a pair that will last me for a decent length of time as I develop as a skater and start to hopefully play hockey on a consistent basis.

Whats the best thing for me to do. Should I just order the CCMs 11.5 in the E size, because lengthwise they are fine, its the width that bothers me.

I am 6'3" and carry a bit of weight, and have wide feet.

If none of my LHS carry wide skates how do I find out if they will be ok for me?

Thank you again, this is a great board for advice

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You could stretch the 11.5 D (i mean the LHS worker could) and you could see if its okay.

If its still too narrow, you know you need the 11.5 and order it from the LHS' wholesaler or on the internet (which would be kinda mean since you got a lot of time from the lhs)

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They should let you try them on before you buy. I order E's for folks all the time, if they don't fit, I don't make them buy it. The way I figure it, it's a lot easier for me to eat a couple of E's a year, rather than stock every model in every E width and eat most of them at the end of the season when the bastard manufacturer's discontinue the model, cough, cough, Bauer, after only 1 year ofn the market.

Just ask them if they can get you a pair to try. They should do this for you. If they are confident in their fitting abilities, then you'll end up buying the skate anyway. Good luck.

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I asked in two stores, they said they can take my size, but can't guarantee it will fit, but if they order it, I am paying for it.

Obviously not quite as friendly as your store, and I am somewhat green when it comes to skate buying so I can't even talk a good game

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Go for the E width. I was having a problem with an 11D Vector 6.0. LHS tried to punch it out...and it ruptured. I went to an 11E and couldn't be happier. It's a big difference between the skates in terms of comfort. This was for the Vector series.

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Insted of going through your lhs. Isnt there some online hockey shops that you can return the skates, ect. if they dont fit or work right. I think i did that with some missions a long time ago. I ordered 2 diffrent sizes and sent the non fitting ones back.

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You may want to consider a road trip! Seriously, you wouldn't be the first person who lives in a place that doesn't have a lot of hockey gear options to take some buddies or the wife or the dog (you get the idea) and take a weekend trip to go hockey shopping.

I don't know my Eastern U.S. geography very well, but I think you're close to Philadelphia and I'm pretty sure they would have a few good options for you to check out.



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I live right outside of philly and there is 4 really quality shops by me so if you are close to philadelphia pm me and ill let you know of the ones that are local.

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PM UMWHockey, he lives and works in your area. I'm sure he can help you locate a dealer nearby that can help you.

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If you are unsure, DO NOT buy without trying on!!!! You may find by buying a E or EE skate that you actually drop 1/2 a size. Since you are new to the sport/ or skating don't take a chance. If you buy online and need to exchange, you will get hit with ALL of the shipping both ways. Food for thought. Good luck!

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If you are unsure, DO NOT buy without trying on!!!! You may find by buying a E or EE skate that you actually drop 1/2 a size. Since you are new to the sport/ or skating don't take a chance. If you buy online and need to exchange, you will get hit with ALL of the shipping both ways. Food for thought. Good luck!

Thats my problem, I want to buy locally, as from what I read, its just safer, but none of my lhs have my size/width, and 2 of them that I asked, said they can order them, but if they don't fit, I would still have to pay, so its as bad as buying online

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it looks like road trip might be your only option.

ive made many mistake of buying skates online or for cheap

my first pair was a 8D in ccm tacks, way too narrow and long, i bought cus cheap, and felt fine while walking on it. how wrong i was.

then went on ebay for a 8ee nike v12, way too big, had to re sell.

then bought bauer 6000 7.5 ee on ebay, thinking it will fit for sure, wrong, way too narrow.

finally went f- it, went to hockey moneky in orange county and bought a pair of ccm vector 6.5 size 7e, tried them on, heat molded them, and finally perfection was acchived.

dont waste your money like i did, i tried going for cheap but it screwed me over again and again

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flaming june is so right.

my story is almost the same and i had to pay a lot of EUR to get that buying (skates) online is NOT an option and in most cases very risky.

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