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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Mission stick promotion extended

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"The big thing.." has already been explained by Jimmy and myself. The vendor is taking a sale away from your shop when the vendor gives away a promo OPS. This is the same item you spent your buying dollars on to make a profit!

I see your point but it's far too narrow-minded. I sell a pair of skates and a kid gets a free stick. His buddies see him with the stick and hear how much he likes it. Then they come in and buy the stick. Before the promo, they would have never purchased the stick. Now I've sold 2 sticks and a pair of skates.

That said, I would still like to see more of the non-equipment items used in promos, like the MIH-NHL06 promo.

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Bouce' its a retail thing I licensed you for buddy, its your curve..but your right I sell a lot more of the Bouce Pro Stock with that photoshop image on the center of the blade..but $ is $ right??

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Another thing, why refuse to stock anything from manufacturers that offer these deals?

To entice people to buy higher end models. Why stock Vector ZG130, 7.0, and Pro's (with the stick giveaway applicable)? Stock the pro's and if a customer is so hung up on the stick giveaway, theyll upgrade to a nicer skate.

I think the stick giveaway causes pore problems than it solves. On the one hand it does give the customer a free stick, but most times, if someone comes in to buy skates , they know they will be delivered a stick in 8-10 weeks, and hold off in the interim. This happened to me today. So i turned $650 worth of skates and stick into $429 and a stick giveaway.

I wouldnt mind seeing somekind of merchandise give away. MIH is genius, give away a video game. SOmekids will get the game, then need to buy the Xbox in order to play it. Why not offer kids a Hat, Tshirt, Sandals package with skates? or an autographed 8x10 of Joe THornton?

On a side note, for us who work in retail, why not do what Sher WOnt did the past 2 years, and give the retail shop something for purchasing? For every Vector Pro skate booked, recieve a free V110 stick, to reduce the price of V110's booked?

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At the moment it keeps me from using Mission/Itech with serious buying $. And I really am not missing out on any "super-hot" item from them that players ask for or must have. I have booked serious $ dollars in the past with Mission only to watch the M-1 Pro glove go on the back cover of USA Hockey magazine for my wholesale cost being sold by an internet company 3 months after I received the product.

You got it absolutely right. They could care less about you, you booked, they got your money, now screw you by letting the internet companies sell it below cost. And they wonder why we don't book large amounts. "

"Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me."

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"The big thing.." has already been explained by Jimmy and myself. The vendor is taking a sale away from your shop when the vendor gives away a promo OPS. This is the same item you spent your buying dollars on to make a profit!

I see your point but it's far too narrow-minded. I sell a pair of skates and a kid gets a free stick. His buddies see him with the stick and hear how much he likes it. Then they come in and buy the stick. Before the promo, they would have never purchased the stick. Now I've sold 2 sticks and a pair of skates.


Sorry to correct you but you only sold 1 stick. The "other" stick was the free promo stick from the vendor. You still have one in inventory that you paid for.

I have no problem with anyone who feels differently about this than I do. We are each entitled to run our businesses as we see fit. I am just trying to give everyone another perspective on this issue. I think the dealers can decide for themselves whether they want to play this particular game with the vendors. Just be sure to see all sides of the issue.

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Oh wow!!

Craig Johnson from Mission-Itech Hockey just faxed me the Free Stick Promotion Update extended to August 31st!!!

Craig, I did not even order your skates but thanks for including me in your email blast!

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"The big thing.." has already been explained by Jimmy and myself. The vendor is taking a sale away from your shop when the vendor gives away a promo OPS. This is the same item you spent your buying dollars on to make a profit!

I see your point but it's far too narrow-minded. I sell a pair of skates and a kid gets a free stick. His buddies see him with the stick and hear how much he likes it. Then they come in and buy the stick. Before the promo, they would have never purchased the stick. Now I've sold 2 sticks and a pair of skates.


Sorry to correct you but you only sold 1 stick. The "other" stick was the free promo stick from the vendor. You still have one in inventory that you paid for.

I have no problem with anyone who feels differently about this than I do. We are each entitled to run our businesses as we see fit. I am just trying to give everyone another perspective on this issue. I think the dealers can decide for themselves whether they want to play this particular game with the vendors. Just be sure to see all sides of the issue.

No I sold two to his buddies, but not the one to the original skate guy. I see where you are coming from and you have a valid point. In a down market manufacturers will do whatever they can to gain market share, in this case it also benefits me.

In any case, nobody should have any problems selling the Z1. The kids around here seem to love the chrome paint job and the parents are willing to fork over $69 for a junior OPS. I haven't done much with the seniors but the juniors are moving pretty well.

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hey craig johnson where can i get a m-1 leopold righty in california?? i love this stick and i never see the leopold stick anymore? r u guys still making this curve? i would like to get a half dozen. any help would be nice. thanks

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hey craig johnson where can i get a m-1 leopold righty in california?? i love this stick and i never see the leopold stick anymore? r u guys still making this curve? i would like to get a half dozen. any help would be nice.  thanks

Someone just posted a link to a website that was selling M1s at reduced prices a couple days ago. Looks like they're getting closed out.

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