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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Nike Gloves

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For thos interested to see what the new Nike gloves will look like this season. Hit www.hockeycanada.ca and go the the junior page, look at the right and click on Photo Galery it's the 2nd pic guy with the white jersey. The colors look awesome. I'm hopping to see a new jersey for Team Canada this year also, all the teams had new ones during the World Championships and Canada have had theirs since 2001 I believe.

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off topic but this morning on sports center the showed a pic of brent sutter and he was using what looked to be a Vapor XX maxx stick'um but in stead of yellow it was white and it had a bit of red too, also it had a canadain flag on it

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whoa.. those gloves look sick... I wonder if they're gonna be called Nike Quests still, or would they be called Nike Flexlites?

or maybe something totally different!

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Flip through some more pics and look at the guy tying the skates. What skates are those?

those are the reeboks...

and for the people wondering, you can get to the junior page from the little button/banner on the front page. ;)

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Those are Quest1s. Sorry.

So the old Nike gloves, Just made up special for Team Canada?

JR, What about the stick Sutter is using? Its like a silver Bauer OPS.

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Not quest 1's, totally new glove and the stick is a may be a custom colored XX, I heard that Bauer was thinking of doing custom color XX's for this upcoming season

Bauer is rolling out a new program for D1 Hockey with the Vapor XX OPS. They will be in custom team colors available to the D1 teams. BNH showed the product in June at a First Line Dealer seminar in Quebec. There are 30 custom color patterns available. The sticks look truly awesome!!

They may be available 2006 as a custom booking program for selected BNH dealers.

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D1 as in NCAA?

I don't think they are quest 1's, I'm sitting here with my old quest two's, and they look nothing alike, especially in the thumb.

The Vapor XX OPS with custom colors will be in NCAA D1 hockey this 05-06 season. As for gloves, we did not see any model past Vapor XXX gloves at the seminar. BNH has not offered the Quest gloves series in 2004 or 2005 catalogs. The Nike gloves are either SMU or older stock in HockeyCanada equipment room!

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D1 as in NCAA?

I don't think they are quest 1's, I'm sitting here with my old quest two's, and they look nothing alike, especially in the thumb.

The Vapor XX OPS with custom colors will be in NCAA D1 hockey this 05-06 season. As for gloves, we did not see any model past Vapor XXX gloves at the seminar. BNH has not offered the Quest gloves series in 2004 or 2005 catalogs. The Nike gloves are either SMU or older stock in HockeyCanada equipment room!

you don't know that, I was at my LHS a few days ago for a job interview there and he told me BNH had an extra catalogue page printed out which had the Flexlite 10 and 12 wood sticks on them. Who knows what else is on there? I saw the Flexlite 10, I'd say it's most comparable to the Bauer 6000.

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D1 as in NCAA?

I don't think they are quest 1's, I'm sitting here with my old quest two's, and they look nothing alike, especially in the thumb.

The Vapor XX OPS with custom colors will be in NCAA D1 hockey this 05-06 season. As for gloves, we did not see any model past Vapor XXX gloves at the seminar. BNH has not offered the Quest gloves series in 2004 or 2005 catalogs. The Nike gloves are either SMU or older stock in HockeyCanada equipment room!

you don't know that, I was at my LHS a few days ago for a job interview there and he told me BNH had an extra catalogue page printed out which had the Flexlite 10 and 12 wood sticks on them. Who knows what else is on there? I saw the Flexlite 10, I'd say it's most comparable to the Bauer 6000.

Ok, my last sentence was speculation. Everything else is a fact. So, I guess I do know that.

BTW, how did the interview go?

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D1 as in NCAA?

I don't think they are quest 1's, I'm sitting here with my old quest two's, and they look nothing alike, especially in the thumb.

The Vapor XX OPS with custom colors will be in NCAA D1 hockey this 05-06 season. As for gloves, we did not see any model past Vapor XXX gloves at the seminar. BNH has not offered the Quest gloves series in 2004 or 2005 catalogs. The Nike gloves are either SMU or older stock in HockeyCanada equipment room!

you don't know that, I was at my LHS a few days ago for a job interview there and he told me BNH had an extra catalogue page printed out which had the Flexlite 10 and 12 wood sticks on them. Who knows what else is on there? I saw the Flexlite 10, I'd say it's most comparable to the Bauer 6000.

Ok, my last sentence was speculation. Everything else is a fact. So, I guess I do know that.

BTW, how did the interview go?

im thinking it went good, I was asked 1 question "Do you have any questions?"

I'm supposed to get a call by the end of this week because he still had some more people to interview, but knowing him I'll probably end up calling him cause he's a pretty unreliable guy.

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If Nike at all, they look like Ignites. But the look of the thumb makes me thinks its a Bauer glove. Is that really a swoosh in the picture or is it part of the jersey? Anyway. in regards to the stick. Wasn´t there a pic on here a while back showing Ryan Smyth praticeat the World Championships which had him with the same XX just colored to Team Canada specs? I might be wrong on that, though.

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def looks liek the thumb on the new bauer gloves. remember that most pro nike quest gloves never had the lobster thumb, but a regular one shaped liek it, but not with all the gimmicks

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