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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pitch or radius help

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I have a pair of Grafs 609 with cobras. I had them pitched slightly forward and for the most part I have loved them. Latley I am starting to feel like I am losing some top end speed (doesn't help I am getting old!) But I am a bit of a stand up skater and was wondering if I should have them put back to a normal pitch. Can somene explain the advantages of each kind of pitch. Also I remeber when I had some 452 tacks with tuuk and these were great I am starting think of putting tuuks on the 609s. would this help. I need help with my top speed andagility.I know for pitch the are both different but what is the best compromise. sorry for the long post.

Thanks Sid

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Sorry one more point can a pro shop tell by the wear on your blades what is best for you?

Thanks Sid.

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Actually, the radius (not pitch) will affect your speed the most. You may have a smaller radius (7' or 9') right now, which will help your agility, but will cost you speed. A longer radius (11' or 13') will give you better straightaway speed and balance, but you won't be able to turn as sharply. Maybe a 10' radius will give you what you need?

Sogaduch-- a reputable sharpener will not ruin a profile job in 10-12 sharpenings.

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After doing some more research I am starting to think my radius is too small. Can anybody give me a pro opinions. Not the best pic but I think it gets to the point.

Thanks Sid



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I agree that the orig radius is probably gone. Regular sharpenings over time can alter it and a bad sharpener can ruin it in one swipe. So, why not just go get another radius and see if it fixes your problem. Most likely it will, if spped is not improved, then start experimenting and add 1' at a time till you get what you want.

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Gotta love those guys who really sharpen the toe and heel. Start by getting new steel and having someone different sharpen your skates.

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Hey, i didn't whant to start a new topic , i know i did get some people on nerves with my question on pitch and everything

DIFFERENT QUESTION HERE: If you whant a forward pitch(like i did get) what do you need to ''razor-cut'' do you have to razor some blade in the front...or it in the back...for FORWARD pitch?? i jjust don't really get how it works...

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