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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Alexander Ovechkin- Visor

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I have one.

Wouldn't it have been more effective to just use a jersey that look like a construction vest. Bright orange with a big X on it? :lol: :lol:

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I have one.

Wouldn't it have been more effective to just use a jersey that look like a construction vest. Bright orange with a big X on it? :lol: :lol:

I don't wear it, I just have one. I would look like an ass in one and I know it.

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I dont see why people always care when they stand out, you should want to stand out, but u need to be able to back it up...Like me! B)

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If you wear something like that you better be able to back it up with Alex O like abilities!

I'm not that great, and I really don't care, and I get a lot more people thinking it's cool than thinking it's gay. Unless you have some bright ass lights in your building it's more of just a dark visor that's reflective than mirrored.

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That one is from about 15 feet. When you're wearing it, you can see the persons eyes well enough from this distance.


This is from about 5 feet. You can make out any facial detail at this point. The only reason it looks so reflective is because there's nothing in the helmet, so you just see the black.


With the flash up close. This is a good indication of what you can see when you're out skating, look at the bottom edge of the visor. Just looks a little dark and shadowy.

On that note, have you shipped out the sticks yet? I've had your package wrapped up and waiting to go for a couple days now, I want to make sure it's still on.

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I dont see why people always care when they stand out, you should want to stand out, but u need to be able to back it up...Like me! B)

Most people find it's easier to stand out by wearing flashy gear than to stand out by being better than other players.

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