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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hilary duff

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There is a funny bright spot on the top of her head...I think it is faked as well (altjhough it could be a spotlight).

But, whoever is walking around with that body...is HAWT!

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I still think she's got a fatty in her screaming to come out, but I'd kiss the Duff's mother's mommy parts and tell them 'thank you' for pushing out those two.

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There is a funny bright spot on the top of her head...I think it is faked as well (altjhough it could be a spotlight).

But, whoever is walking around with that body...is HAWT!

When the breasts are that obviously man-made it tends to lessen the appeal to me. In some cases augmentation can be a good thing but not when it goes to such an extreme.

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She now has black hair, is anorexic and has horse chompers but Id still do her. Check out pics from her on Leno a few days ago and youll see what I mine. Im too lazy to find them myself.

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She now has black hair, is anorexic and has horse chompers but Id still do her. Check out pics from her on Leno a few days ago and youll see what I mine. Im too lazy to find them myself.

omg.. you'll "do her"


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There is a funny bright spot on the top of her head...I think it is faked as well (altjhough it could be a spotlight).

But, whoever is walking around with that body...is HAWT!

When the breasts are that obviously man-made it tends to lessen the appeal to me. In some cases augmentation can be a good thing but not when it goes to such an extreme.

Thats how I feel about Pam Anderson .

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Like Chadd said, those kind of disproportioned things don't do it for me. It's just that clincher is when you know someone has a communicable disease. Call me crazy, but I don't like shit that Ajax can't wash off.

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I still think she's got a fatty in her screaming to come out, but I'd kiss the Duff's mother's mommy parts and tell them 'thank you' for pushing out those two.


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