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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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black custom + or white lightspeeds? *Pics added*

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Well my dad says that i should be able to get another year outa my XX's. But the holder is beat to hell.

So either a new lightspeed holder or a custom + black one are my options.

Now i have seen what both would look like and i like the looks of the black one better.

If you have an insight please share!

thank you.


here are pics with the creation.

I know they arent XX's like I said before but I just put them as XX's anyway.



Now does anyone have any way to fix the Bauer "B" logo that is like peeled off on the outside of the left skate?

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If you like the feel of the Tuuk Custom + go for it. I hope your not going for looks because it will look ugly :P But go for it.

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Lol, I had Vapor 8's with gray, I thought they were so cool. Then again i was like 11, maybe 10 im not sure. Then i had vapor 6's with whites.

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Good luck finding the black one.

Actually, one of my wholesalers always seems to have the black ones when I ask for them.

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hahaha a team mate of mine painted his yellow.

Sanded em down and everything looked really sweet.

chipped of quite easily. not as easy as easton stick paint though ahaha.

Oh and mine are in no condition to paint.

The heels are spiliting and a major cut through the right front part.

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I hope your teams colors are yellow because that would be ugly. I think if you put a clear coat on after the paint it shouldnt chip as easy. Well thats what i hear for sticks anyway.

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blacks make you look like your skating slower, thats why every guy in the show wears white. even when vapors had grey blades, thats why they wore white

I guess drury and weight are just terrible and slow. Why do they even deserve to play hockey.

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blacks make you look like your skating slower, thats why every guy in the show wears white. even when vapors had grey blades, thats why they wore white

I guess drury and weight are just terrible and slow. Why do they even deserve to play hockey.

hey this is what i heard eh, calm 'er

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Im calm as can be im just makeing a point. I really dont think black makes a diffrence. Come to think of it I dont think drury has blacky's any more. Didnt he have whitey's on his synergys?

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to defend ygold.. ive been told that the black polys make you look slower by a few different scouts.

edit- does this mean i believe it? im not sure yet. i woudnt think so, but ive heard it a few times from scouts as i said... so im undecided

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well i got the black custom +'s on my XI's i shouldnt have put XX's in the original post but w/e

ill try and get some pics up now.

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to defend ygold.. ive been told that the black polys make you look slower by a few different scouts.

edit- does this mean i believe it? im not sure yet. i woudnt think so, but ive heard it a few times from scouts as i said... so im undecided

Those scouts should spend some more time figuring out if kids can play hockey or not. Speed is easy to judge, is the kid getting up the ice or not? Oh wait, he's got black Tuuks, we don't want him.

Very few players on this site really have to worry about what scouts think of them, and for the few that do, the color of their holder really won't matter much to them.

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