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Eagle Custom Pro Gloves

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I see Eagle has come out with a Custom Pro Glove that has a two piece finger. Does anyone know where one can purchase these gloves?

Thank you.

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I see Eagle has come out with a Custom Pro Glove that has a two piece finger. Does anyone know where one can purchase these gloves?

Thank you.

Any Eagle dealer can order them. they're the only Eagles I would consider buying but the $200 price tag is a little high.

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I've seen them at my lhs in a couple of different colors. The funny thing is there is no mention of them on the Eagle website and no description or picture in the Eagle catalog on this website. I see no online dealer that carries them. Kind of a mystery to me...

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I've seen them at my lhs in a couple of different colors. The funny thing is there is no mention of them on the Eagle website and no description or picture in the Eagle catalog on this website. I see no online dealer that carries them. Kind of a mystery to me...

You can order them in any color or material that Eagle makes. For the most part it's an X70 with inserts everywhere and split fngers. I thought about getting a pair with goat palms but I'm cheap. I get most of those features for a lot less with L7s.

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Sorry to bring up an old topic, but I found some info on them from a store and was wondering about it. The store told me that the Custom Pros were nylon with mustang palms. I was wondering if they come in the synthetic leather or carbon exterior also.


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You can order them in any color or material that Eagle makes. For the most part it's an X70 with inserts everywhere and split fngers. I thought about getting a pair with goat palms but I'm cheap. I get most of those features for a lot less with L7s.

Only problem with the L7s are is that they are U L G Y and they aint got no alibi, ya know?

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You can order them in any color or material that Eagle makes. For the most part it's an X70 with inserts everywhere and split fngers. I thought about getting a pair with goat palms but I'm cheap. I get most of those features for a lot less with L7s.

Only problem with the L7s are is that they are U L G Y and they aint got no alibi, ya know?

Actually I find to the Eagles to be less pleasing in appearance.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
Sorry to bring up an old topic, but I found some info on them from a store and was wondering about it. The store told me that the Custom Pros were nylon with mustang palms. I was wondering if they come in the synthetic leather or carbon exterior also.


Yes, they come with Portofino or Carbon exterior, or, if you wish, Tufftek.

Feel free to PM me if you have questions.

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Actually I find to the Eagles to be less pleasing in appearance.

You know as well as I know, Id love to agree with you, but when you look at the facts, its just obvious I am correct... seeee... www.thefactsofwhyeagleglovesarebetterthanmissionl7s.com

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I have a pair. They are the most amazing glove i have ever seen. Full plastics, Mustang Palm and gussets, most comfortable cut for my mammoth hands. I love them.

do you think you could post a pic?

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Actually I find to the Eagles to be less pleasing in appearance.

You know as well as I know, Id love to agree with you, but when you look at the facts, its just obvious I am correct... seeee... www.thefactsofwhyeagleglovesarebetterthanmissionl7s.com

Judging from the discussions with a couple of the kids at the rink, every reason is "because they're Eagles." On a serious note, the price increase with Eagle this year has killed interest in them around here. I'll probably be cancelling the rest of my order.

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Sorry to bring up an old topic, but I found some info on them from a store and was wondering about it. The store told me that the Custom Pros were nylon with mustang palms. I was wondering if they come in the synthetic leather or carbon exterior also.


Mine are the carbon look. I will have a picture up tonight.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
Judging from the discussions with a couple of the kids at the rink, every reason is "because they're Eagles."

Sounds like the same thing with Easton Synergy...hmmmmmm.

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Judging from the discussions with a couple of the kids at the rink, every reason is "because they're Eagles."

Sounds like the same thing with Easton Synergy...hmmmmmm.

Then I give them the "but this one goes to eleven" line and they look at me like I have three heads.

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Eagles stock x70s are easily the worst gloves in our store, yet they are the best selling. My X70 circa 2000 are unreal, great quality leather and craftsmanship, while the new ones feel like they are made out of plastic. Its unfortunate that you have to go custom or pay $199 for a custom pro/WC to get a quality eagle glove now, but at that point you might as well get 2 pairs of HGTs.

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i've been using eagle gloves for about 6 years now. i started with the x50, they were awesome, but i fell in love with the h34's. wore those for about 2 years and decided to get matching colors with my school in the L29's. i recently just purchased the custom pro gloves, and believe they are worth the price.

they're pretty much the L29s with inserts and split fingers. and a mustang palm, rather than the goat palm. i got them in black/white, the lhs near me had them in red/white as well (Boston University colors).

i can post a pic if anyone wants to see them.

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