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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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fantasy hockey anyone?

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I just started my fantasy football on yahoo and noticed fantasy hockey. It be bad-ass if we could maybe get afew modsquad leagues going. Just throwing out the idea to see how it goes over.

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There will be an official MSH league, we still have a month and a half before the sason starts.

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I'll be syked for this MSH hockey one! Will there only be like 15-16 people in it? or anyone who wants to?

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I'll be syked for this MSH hockey one! Will there only be like 15-16 people in it? or anyone who wants to?

If there is enough interest, we will have a couple leagues

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The last NHL season, I played in a Yahoo hockey league and a SportingNews hockey league. But very enjoyable, but both very different.

Sportingnews supported a much larger number of players per league.

They gave you $30 million dollars and you bought 1 complete line (5 skaters and a goalie.) Player values fluctuated based on trades. So with smart trading you could end up with $60 mill to play with and load your team with some serious talent. Multiple teams could have the same player.

I think we had 40 or 50 people in our league.

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