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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Photoshopped Equipment

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i was watching st.louis, photoshop or not, no one can beat doug weights skates, those are sick nasty.

what are they?

Looks like 8K's with black Tuuks.

On a side note, looks like Dougie needs to tighten up the slack on his garter belt ;)


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Hey can anybody try to photoshop goalie equipment or have a link to download a free version of photoshop? Thanks

you can try http://gimp.org ,its free and is a basic photo editing program.

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Back to the first post, I like the flaming bauer helmet. I'm assuming the flames were added, or can you actually buy a helmet with the flames that is a different color?

On that note, you'd think manufacturer's would take some of these ideas and make them a reality - especially the flag skates. I am sure all the eh'ers would buy them up.

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Back to the first post, I like the flaming bauer helmet. I'm assuming the flames were added, or can you actually buy a helmet with the flames that is a different color?

Hahah, that was all my imagination. I doubt anyone would ever offer a top of the line helmet with flames. :lol:

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Big Update.... :o

Tattoo'd Supremes


Mission "Statement Series" L7's


Lime Green Tour Omni's


White Carbon Eagle Paragons.


Acid Trip Bauer Vapor Goal Pads


Easton Stealth Helmet


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