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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Photoshopped Equipment

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TH or anyone, would it be possible if you have the time to do some custom white skates with graf skates.(704,703) My brother is looking for white graf skates but not like mine(the fedorov ones) and not like the normal great white.

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Wow you guys are really talented. I do a lot of graphic design stuff also, but hardly any hockey equipment!

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I know. I had 10 burgers and a sack of fries today  B)

Id kill for White Castle. :P

I went past a White Castle today and have been craving them since then.

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I'm going to have actually read a tutorial. :angry:

The stuff you guys are doing is outstanding! It took me an hour to change the silver on these gloves to yellow, and I still couldn't get rid of the metallic look, nor change the outline around 'SALMING':


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Thos first bauer xxx-- blue versions are absolutley beautifull-- one of the nicest pairs of skates iv ever seen

They match my team's colors perfectly. ;) :P

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What I don't like of you designs in general is that the equipment look like clothes.

Thats the point. Theres no fun in just changing colors of equipment. Thats too easy.

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Here is a 704, if you have time, do a sweet design of white skates.

White laces and no gold writing on the boot. Do care about the holder, he'll put some tuuk. If he likes them he might order them like you designed them so no rainbow things or uncustomable thing.

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:lol: lovin the burberry eastons!

the XXX's look sorta like 80-90's

Thats what i was thinking about the XXX's. I'd purchase those. I loove em better than the others :P

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The stuff you guys are doing is outstanding! It took me an hour to change the silver on these gloves to yellow, and I still couldn't get rid of the metallic look, nor change the outline around 'SALMING':



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