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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Photoshopped Equipment

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Vapor XXX's for my HS team (I wish).


And Vapor XXX Lite Skates :P

XXX Lites

likin the panther XXXs it looks like the boot of the XXX goalie skate

the XXX lite skates are nice but you shoulda changed the red of the ls2 holder and the black on the back of the XXX boot

nice ideas though

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Vapor XXX's for my HS team (I wish).


And Vapor XXX Lite Skates :P

XXX Lites

Regular XXX's look excellent, sorta like the Vapor XXX goalie skates, like devilsrule said. But the XXX Lites on the other hand... I don't exactly like the white. But, whatever, if I tried I would probably butcher it anyways, as I have 0 image editing skills.

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Vapor XXX's for my HS team (I wish).


And Vapor XXX Lite Skates :P

XXX Lites

Regular XXX's look excellent, sorta like the Vapor XXX goalie skates, like devilsrule said. But the XXX Lites on the other hand... I don't exactly like the white. But, whatever, if I tried I would probably butcher it anyways, as I have 0 image editing skills.

The xxx lite skates are the same boot as the XR lite roller hockey boots only on lightspeeds.

Edit: Well almost the same because he put the XXX lite part in there instead of XR Lite

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Vapor XXX's for my HS team (I wish).


And Vapor XXX Lite Skates :P

XXX Lites

Regular XXX's look excellent, sorta like the Vapor XXX goalie skates, like devilsrule said. But the XXX Lites on the other hand... I don't exactly like the white. But, whatever, if I tried I would probably butcher it anyways, as I have 0 image editing skills.

The xxx lite skates are the same boot as the XR lite roller hockey boots only on lightspeeds.

Edit: Well almost the same because he put the XXX lite part in there instead of XR Lite

damn you beat me to it


here is what Syracuse was talkin bout

i think he plagiarized his photoshop project

shame, shame

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Vapor XXX's for my HS team (I wish).


And Vapor XXX Lite Skates :P

XXX Lites

Regular XXX's look excellent, sorta like the Vapor XXX goalie skates, like devilsrule said. But the XXX Lites on the other hand... I don't exactly like the white. But, whatever, if I tried I would probably butcher it anyways, as I have 0 image editing skills.

The xxx lite skates are the same boot as the XR lite roller hockey boots only on lightspeeds.

Edit: Well almost the same because he put the XXX lite part in there instead of XR Lite

damn you beat me to it


here is what Syracuse was talkin bout

i think he plagiarized his photoshop project

shame, shame

Alright, I get it now. What a shame he didn't do an original PS project :P

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Maybe NBH skips 40, why not 50, as in L?

NBH is making a Vapor XXXX skate. they are happy with the XXX-lite (for now) thus, no vapor XXXX stick is in production (yet).

I don't see them going to a Vapor "L" as they've kind of branded themselves with all the Xes.

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Maybe NBH skips 40, why not 50, as in L?

NBH is making a Vapor XXXX skate. they are happy with the XXX-lite (for now) thus, no vapor XXXX stick is in production (yet).

I don't see them going to a Vapor "L" as they've kind of branded themselves with all the Xes.

the xxxx looks much cooler then L

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