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Wide/Big Shinguards

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Im looking for some wide/larger shinguards. Im not to sure how to explain it, but some seem to be shorter and fatter instead of tall and skinny. The 8000 comes to mind, they really seem to "fill up" socks, but does any one have any ideas of others? How about Jofa? Sorry if what im looking for isnt to clear I'll try to re-word it if needed.

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jofa 9090... best shinners

Is there like a RBK equivalent?

8K I do believe.

Currently I'm wearing 8000's and they aren't extremely bulky nor wide. The 9090 is the biggest it gets (from what comes to my mind).

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Hey sher-wood

how do the RBKs(probably 6k) compare to the 8000 shins? I'm wearing 8000s right now and wanted to pick up some RBKs.

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I love the 6Ks. They aren't bulky, don't fall out of place, don't under or over protect. Plus they have multiple straps and Jofas dont (even though you can add it just doesn't feel right to me). Theyre a nice shinny for sure

Soo basically I like the 8000s but I like the 6ks a lot more.

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The newer Itech 660 or 990 are both fairly wide and protective.

As for Ludwig, his pads were ancient and he was one of the guys who heated them up and pulled them out to make them wider.

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Actually, I seem to recall that Ludwig welded pieces onto the side, but I'm not sure if that's as they broke down (when they aged) or because he just wanted them wider (he used the same shin guards he'd had from college - at least, that's what one story I read on him said. HHOF asked to get them for a display and he refused).

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Widening your shinnies shouldn't make them move around any more. You're still going to strap/tape them just below your knee and at your ankle... scroll up to the pic of Ludwig and look at his pads in those spots, they're pretty much normal size. Just the actual "shin" part is wider.

I've widened my shins (old Itech 855s) by heating them a little, and also by standing on them. Heating will give you more permanent results, just be careful not to overheat them, you could melt the plastic or really disfigure them.

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