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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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problems with my gear drying.

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k guys heres my situation. after eevery game i air out my gear and in the past it has all dryed no problems, but latley my skates and gloves(vapor xxx's and X-70's) have not been drying after use. i mean for most people this might not be a problem but i hate playing with wet gear.

i always bring my gloves and skates in the house where its warmer to help speed up the drying process but its not doing anything. so how do you purpose i dry out my skates and gloves? will putting the gloves in the dryer do any harm to them? i cant just throw my skates in the dryer so how should i go about drying them?

Also its been very muggy here latley would this play apart in the drying process?

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My gear has not been drying very well after pickup here either probably because of the humidity. I use fans/hairdryers/fireplaces whatever I can find to dry my X70's. As for my skates i just stick a fan in front of them.

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My gear has not been drying very well after pickup here either probably because of the humidity. I use fans/hairdryers/fireplaces whatever I can find to dry my X70's. As for my skates i just stick a fan in front of them.

You don't want to dry your gear too fast with too much heat. That will make it stiffen up.

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Is this a summer thing only? If not, try putting the gear near the furnace to help speed the drying. If it is a summer thing only, you obviously won't have the furnace running....

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try taking out the insoles, unlacing an eyelet and pulling the tongue forward to open up the skate. for gloves theres a liner in the back usually, and you can flip it up so the glove is more open to dry.

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try taking out the insoles, unlacing an eyelet and pulling the tongue forward to open up the skate. for gloves theres a liner in the back usually, and you can flip it up so the glove is more open to dry.

i do all of that for the skates. and right now there up in my room where its fairly cool and they have a fan on then.

Salming: ive never had this problem in the winter, because i put my gloves by the fire place.

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When I need my gear to dry more quickly I put it in a warm room and have regular fan blowing on them. Works good, but I think the smell will peel the paint of the walls.


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Get a DRY GUY boot and glove dryer! Absolutely the best way to dry gloves and skates. No other methods gets to the fingers and toe area. You need to get air flowing deep inside. Dry Guys do the trick.

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a dehumidifier can be used ok..my folks have one and when i dry my stuff..i just keep it far enough away down there and keep an eye on it now and then..

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