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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RbK Shin pads

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I was thinking about just cutting mine tonight...but I'll play around with them first and see what works best and I'll let you know what....if anything...I come up with.

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Ive tryed pulling my socks real tight with my garter. It seems like the garter straps ether get stretched out or the thing just slides down over my butt because its soo tight. I dont know ill keep experimenting.

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Guest Muck
Do the 6k fit the the same as the 5k? I just bought 5ks in May and they are already too small for my liking. Get this Im 5' 6"-7" and I need 16" shinguards

. By the way how do you measure shinguard size, from the top of my foot to center of knee cap its 17".

Top of the boot to the middle of the kneecap.

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Do the 6k fit the the same as the 5k? I just bought 5ks in May and they are already too small for my liking. Get this Im 5' 6"-7" and I need 16" shinguards

. By the way how do you measure shinguard size, from the top of my foot to center of knee cap its 17".

how long are your legs? i'm 5'9" and wear a 13". maybe i have short legs but my other teammate is about 5'7" and he wears a 12"

and corry34, how are the 5k's supposed to be? i have the 5k's and love them. you explained what the 6k's and 7 k's were. just wondering what the 5k's were supposed to be. a traditional fit? or a new style?

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Weird...(not you, just the differences)....I'm 5'8" and wear 14's.

I put on my old ice boots that I converted to roller and measured to make sure I was in the right size. From the top of my boot to center of the kneecap is 13 3/4".

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try folding the flap under the kneecap

If you tuck the shin guard under your skate tongue, you will probably use a shorter length. If you wear them over the tongue you can use a longer length and get more protection around the ankle.

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So, did anyone ever have a solution for the problem with the 6ks getting hung up on the tops of your shorts? I just got them and am having the same problem. Exactly how far down are your shorts supposed to go?

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Nope no solution that I know of yet. The problem is the flap is too short...I would say it comes up about an inch or two from the plastic thats all. So it's not as flexable as other longer flaps. Lately I have just been wearing tighter fitting socks and that works but its not the solution I've been hoping for.

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I was thinking about that but the pad is so short to begin with I'm not sure if that will work. I think the plastic cap would be cause the same issue.

Also its only one cheap pair of socks it happens with...thanks Peranis...I'll just get a better pair and it should be fine.

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I'll just get a better pair and it should be fine.

I found pear sox tend to fit tighter and at least slightly improve the 6k flap catching. Not perfect, but better than the loose ccm socks.

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yeah im thinking even if i cut the top "flap" they would still catch on the plastic. What really sucks is that when my pants catch, the thigh pad gets shoved up and into my groin, which is not fun. Maybe Ill just cut a few inches of padding of the bottom of the thigh pad, sew up the last few inches of the pant leg, and play with a gap between my shin pads and thigh pads. (not as protective)

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Yeah I'm stumped..I even brought in the pads to work to see if anyone here has different ideas. The best one I have heard so far is to sew a longer flap to the outside of the pad. That way the longer pad will fold down under the pant leg and won't cause the hang-up. I'm a little miffed at RBK for not using the same basic style as the 7k but I'll deal, its not that bad....and the idea of a Frankinpad doesn't sit well for me...yet.

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I had the same problem with a pair of 6K's, catching the bottom cuff on my pant legs. I toke em back to the store and exchanged them for the 7K's and guess what, no problems now. Spend the extra cash and go the one model up, it's not worth the aggravation you get with the 6K's to save a few bucks. Go top end and you'll be alright. ;)

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Kim - just cut them. I do it to all of my Jofas.

I second the motion on this. I did the same with my 8K's

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I have the 7k shins and I love em. Absolute Tanks, and the fit...it's just phenomenal. It just grips right to your shins. Granted they aren't the lightest shins, but they aren't the heaviest either. Pretty wide shins, but i like em.

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