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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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by xmas RBK items new to line

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Met with rep today, just in time (cough) for xmas season, RBK added a few new items to their line up.

7K junior stick

7k junior shaft

6k shaft/2blade combo (like the Mission)

6k junior goal stick

8k bag in a box (great for retailer)

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8k bag in a box (great for retailer)

heh? :blink:

It comes in a cardboard box instead of the usual plastic bag,is that what you mean Jimmy.

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8k bag in a box (great for retailer)

heh? :unsure:

It comes in a cardboard box instead of the usual plastic bag,is that what you mean Jimmy.

Yes. For the buyer not a big deal but for us retailers who have a tough time "displaying" bags, the box packaging is awesome. I saw these on my last trip to Toronto and was wondering why we couldn't get them here in the states.

It just makes for a nice display, instead of a plasick baggie

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My hockey store already has the 6k shaft/2blade combo (like the Mission)

They Prob assembled them themselves. For us retailers, it will now be offered by RBK in that configuration. Instead of buying the shaft seperatly, then taping two 6k blades to it. Prob cheaper for us too, so the customer gets it cheaper as well.

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My hockey store already has the 6k shaft/2blade combo (like the Mission)

They Prob assembled them themselves. For us retailers, it will now be offered by RBK in that configuration. Instead of buying the shaft seperatly, then taping two 6k blades to it. Prob cheaper for us too, so the customer gets it cheaper as well.

http://Hockey1.com , has that combo.I dont think they assembled that themselves

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My hockey store already has the 6k shaft/2blade combo (like the Mission)

They Prob assembled them themselves. For us retailers, it will now be offered by RBK in that configuration. Instead of buying the shaft seperatly, then taping two 6k blades to it. Prob cheaper for us too, so the customer gets it cheaper as well.

http://Hockey1.com , has that combo.I dont think they assembled that themselves

Why wouldn't they assemble it themselves? I could have done it just take two blades, insert one in a shaft, then put a rubber band around the other one. The point I was trying to make is that the "combo" was not offered to retailers as a combo. Up till now we could not order it that way.

Personally, I think the shaft/blade combo is Dead, and this new offer is it is their way of getting us retailers to empty their warehouse. I've only sold one 6k blade and shaft since I had them. Not that they are bad, just that 2-pieces are dead. Everyone wants a OPS.

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Im positive it came that way from the company i unpacked the box and the they were in plastic wrappers. We didnt set them up or attach an extra blade with a rubber band.

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My hockey store already has the 6k shaft/2blade combo (like the Mission)

They Prob assembled them themselves. For us retailers, it will now be offered by RBK in that configuration. Instead of buying the shaft seperatly, then taping two 6k blades to it. Prob cheaper for us too, so the customer gets it cheaper as well.

At the trade show we were told they would be offered in a combo similar to the Mission L2.

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Im positive it came that way from the company i unpacked the box and the they were in plastic wrappers. We didnt set them up or attach an extra blade with a rubber band.

Are you in Canada?

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Yep, I remember that, and RDV got them pre-assembled already.

I don't see on the booking forms where this item was available, besides the rep made a big deal about this yesterday, so it's new to our region anyway, like the bag in a box.

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My hockey store already has the 6k shaft/2blade combo (like the Mission)

They Prob assembled them themselves. For us retailers, it will now be offered by RBK in that configuration. Instead of buying the shaft seperatly, then taping two 6k blades to it. Prob cheaper for us too, so the customer gets it cheaper as well.

so tapered shaft?

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You didn't go to Vegas, right...it was a show special out there. It was on an additional sheet and it sold pretty well from what it looks like.

No, I went to the Toronto show. Based on sales of the 6k pieces, I'm definately not going to order any of the combos. I was disapointed in what they offered in this fall booking special. Limited selection. I may get some 7k jr OPS and 6k jr goal sticks, and of course bag in a box. :)

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