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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Alright, so tonight at dinner, my dad and I were having a discussion about the ccm boas or whatever they are called, the one with the twist thing to control the "laces". Anyways, i have been playing hockey for many years and am at a stage in hockey where I take it very seriously, Major Midget AA, i also consider myself quite knowledgeable in equipment. So we both agreed that it is an excellent idea and concept for the 6,7 year olds who still ahve a hard time with thier skates. My dad however thought that eventually, this technology will be used for high-end skates. I highly refuted this point. What do you guys think? Will they eventually be used in higher end skates and would you or somebody into hockey for a while buy them?

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If some high-profile pro wore them, then they could sell them on larger skates. Otherwise, I can't see it.

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Ya unless a pro did wear one it would never catch on because everyone would thing they are for kids and if someone did get them they would be made fun of in the locker room.

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good idea but also not because it doesnt give the kids a chance to learn how they like there skates tied up whether it be tight at the bottom or loose at the top or reverse or just loose or just tight. the boa does it one way and one way only also kids 6 and 7 are more hacking at each other. not sure how strong that piece is

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None of the BIG retail hockey shops around here sell them. The only one that does is Canadian Tire, which the sell no high end skates really. I agree with you all, they have to get a few NHL players wearing em, then all the kids will be like "Dad i want those skates"

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as people get lazyer and lazyer theres not stopping the stuff the could "make life easyer" i mean for me now tying my skates is nothing, but back in atom/peewee when i started tying my own skates i hated doing it i would of loved those skates back then.

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as people get lazyer and lazyer theres not stopping the stuff the could "make life easyer" i mean for me now tying my skates is nothing, but back in atom/peewee when i started tying my own skates i hated doing it i would of loved those skates back then.

Defiantly trying to tie them at 6 in the morning when it was freezing out. I hated that

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There was a thing about this in usa hockey mag. CCM had no plan on using them on adult skates. But when they did research on them they had a kid who played hockey and only had 1 full length arm. So with the BOA he could tie his skates himself, so CCM was thinking/doing putting them on adult skates.

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my mother talked about this skate...to buy them for my 3yr old borther...but i'm wondering how good is this lacing thing...i'm wondering if it still let you flex forward because of this big thing on your tongue...

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If higher level players wore them....wouldn't the "nut" take a beating getting hit with pucks, sticks etc. Probably wouldn't have a long life.

A good idea for young kids, but I don't see them catching on

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I think it's used for snow boarding boots and rec inline skates, but as GaGa says, I think the spinny wheel thingy (to use the technical term) would take a beating.

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Unfortunately most of the hockey world is to stuck on tradition....I absolutely love BOA... I was about to launch this type of system in Roller, when CCM beat me to the punch. I really like the easy of use and the way the skates tighten...Both sets of my wakeboard bindings have it, and I couldn't imagine wakeboarding without them...I really think the product is great....

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Both sets of my wakeboard bindings have it, and I couldn't imagine wakeboarding without them...I really think the product is great....


We were talking about that when the BOA skate came out and he was telling me that they use it on wakeboard bindings.

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Unfortunately most of the hockey world is to stuck on tradition....I absolutely love BOA... I was about to launch this type of system in Roller, when CCM beat me to the punch. I really like the easy of use and the way the skates tighten...Both sets of my wakeboard bindings have it, and I couldn't imagine wakeboarding without them...I really think the product is great....

I could never use it for skates, I like to vary the lace tension on different parts of my foot.

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Unfortunately most of the hockey world is to stuck on tradition....I absolutely love BOA... I was about to launch this type of system in Roller, when CCM beat me to the punch.  I really like the easy of use and the way the skates tighten...Both sets of my wakeboard bindings have it, and I couldn't imagine wakeboarding without them...I really think the product is great....

I could never use it for skates, I like to vary the lace tension on different parts of my foot.

I 've gotta agree...if I tie certain parts of my skates even a little bit too tightly, my feet hurt like hell.

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If higher level players wore them....wouldn't the "nut" take a beating getting hit with pucks, sticks etc. Probably wouldn't have a long life.

A good idea for young kids, but I don't see them catching on

Actually, the "nut" as you call it is very durable, not cheap plastic. The winching system is well protected. If it was to be put on Sr skates, all that would be needed is a small protective cover (ala ankle guard) over it and it would stand up to much abuse.

The cables themself are very strong, stronger than laces, and if need replacing takes less time to do than lacing a skate.

All the juniotr players (and their parents) love the BOA. Only negative is the cheap carbon blade that comes on that model. I could have sold tons more if it had a good stainless blade.

I have a complete system from BOA ready to go on my skates. Just havent been able to find a shop that can take the toung apart and sew in the system and mount the channels on the boot. As soon as I get this done, I'll write a review.

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