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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All Torhs Team

what stick is this...

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The first run of SL's that were in the World Cup (possibly before) were a chrome silver throughout. I believe some (Modano's?) were two-pieces as well. Marz has a Styles97 SL that was the same. I guess they changed the look for retail.

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i got my eye on it if its still below $70.....I got "dibs" :P

haha not if i get there first lol. i already bought an all silver sl of ebay but it was defferent then that and is not a pro stock. it is the wierdest stick ive ever seen but i love it.

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I guess the pics of Guerin's blade answer the post about Guerin's blade from a couple of days ago. Def a YP/Drury.

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i know we got a camelleri pro stock synergy but its not an SL its just cosmetically painted. it has an st handle width but an SL paintjob

That sounds cool. Got a pic? ;)

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I guess the pics of Guerin's blade answer the post about Guerin's blade from a couple of days ago. Def a YP/Drury.

Every Guerin stick I've seen has been a YP.

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Damn you Lego take off that Foppa avatar with a Flyers jersey! Dont make me put my Turgeon in an Avs uni up. Dont make me! :unsure:

Ok... I'll change it. Do you have a pic of him on crutches?

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Are you sure that's and ST in the SvenKarlsson pic? I saw Craig Conroy using one, it didn't say "ST" on it. The one in the pic doesn't say ST either. Unless it does in the red zone on the center portion of the shaft. Most ST's say "ST" on the shaft somewhere, fairly clear too. You sure it's not a pro-stock painted to look a certain way? It obviously is a prostock because it says so on the underside of the shaft.

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