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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Holders

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I am getting ready to start in an I league, however, I am wondering about new holders. I have Grafs with a 320mm Cobra 2000 holder. I want a spare set of holders just in case my steel breaks. I like the pitch of the cobra's , but am looking for other options (I can always use shims). P.S. I am big (272 Lbs.) and therefore wanting a strong holder. If Graf is my only option, that's fine, I just want my options open. Thanks all.

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Just get yourself a second set of steel. The steel tends to break more than the holders. The holders are fine durability wise. Your only problem could be if you did break one, not many shops stock 320mm size and it could take a while to get.

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Hey Chadd- could your shop order them for me soon?

Sorry, I don't have a Graf account.

Do you know if Bouce has an account- I wanna keep this in the fam.

If not, try Buzz. I've picked up some steel from him for customers in the past.

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