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Sundin XN10

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My buddy who works at my local Peranis just called me and said he can get me a Mats Sundin (pro-stock) XN10 for $75 CDN. Just wondering since I won't be able to get there till Friday, what the curve, lie, and flex is on Sundin pro-stocks? Thanks

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I just called him for you Chadd, hes got two Sundin's there, but he told me he's giving me his "employee" discount on it. He said they are regular $99 CDN right now. He also said he has Blake, and Domi XN10's.

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My buddy who works at my local Peranis just called me and said he can get me a Mats Sundin (pro-stock) XN10 for $75 CDN. Just wondering since I won't be able to get there till Friday, what the curve, lie, and flex is on Sundin pro-stocks? Thanks

which location is this in ? Windsor ?

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"Didn't want to start a new thread. What lie is the Domi curve. I see someone said they are similar, and the Sundin is a 5 lie. I could work with it, but I prefer a 5.5 or 6."

I believe Domi is also a lowish lie like around 5.

"which location is this in ? Windsor ?"

London location had some at C$99

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Yeah its the Windsor store. $99.99 here too. Since I'm getting the XN10 for such a good price, I might get one of the Sundin Response+ 's they had last time I was there, if they are still there.

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Didn't want to start a new thread. What lie is the Domi curve. I see someone said they are similar, and the Sundin is a 5 lie. I could work with it, but I prefer a 5.5 or 6.

I believe both Sundin and Domi both have low lies - 5 lie.

I actually matched up their game used sticks before (2 years ago)

If you like a high lie, I don't think these sticks will work out too good for you.

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