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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Ultra Light

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I know that there were Three Different models of this stick. The first two being brown and the newest one is green. Going back to the older two ( brown ones ); I have the oldest one that they made. Its graphics on the stick are a little more rougher and they use more squares for the design. Then the next make, the graphics are more oval, using circles for the disign, then of course theres the green one. Of course the newest green one will be the lighest of the three, and the second model would be the second lightest and the very first model will be the heaviest. But what I'm wondering is that even though that oldest model will be the heaviest, is it still worth some good money because it is one of the first best shafts made, or its considered original or classic? I have one of the first models and never use it anymore, but wondering if I sell it should it be a little higher than the other two ultra Lights? Its a 110 flex, and used...has alot of use into it....but still holds its grounds....I only use it for my outdoor stick to stickhandle with. Could any of you give me a good guess of where the price should be? And i know that this is in the wrong section...but if anyone is interested let me know.

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They go on ebay for around $30-40 dollars in fairly good condition.

My friends have tons of them since my HS used to get them for free and their brothers gave them to them.

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"Collecting" ultra lights is about as classy as driving an 86 Mustang.

I had an 86 Mustang as my first car

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Assuming the fact that you were born in the 70s, that car in that time frame is not bad at all. But luckily its a new day and age ;)

I was actually born in the 70s and it was a great car until I fell asleep and totalled it.

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beauty is in the eye of beholder. I am pretty sure someone may have high praise and regard for the original shaft model, but I think in today's market there is little demand for it.

You might as well keep and use it for dicking around outside in the public rinks. Pretty well no one is going to appreciate it as much as you.

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ok...whbd said there about 30-40 good condition..but this isnt ...its used but stilll very durable, so prob. bout 10-15 so....thats all i needed to know.......still ...if anybody was interested...just drop a message...i know this is wrong section but o well.

have a good one.

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The..........Ultra lite..............will always ..............be the............best ...........shaft.............out there...........its a tank.

whats with the .... tohrs, a single period is fine

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"Collecting" ultra lights is about as classy as driving an 86 Mustang.

Are you kidding me? I'd love an original, brand new original ultra lite. Those things were the first wildly popular shaft in the composite revolution.

It's got to be the best selling comp shaft of all time. behind the synergy, it might be the best selling comp stick or shaft of all time.

How geeky am I? :angry: :P

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I'm almost 99.9% sure that selling an original edition Ultra Light that shows "good" use is going to get you 10 dollars max. Especially in an era where everyone is looking for the latest stuff.

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