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Jofa vs Rbk gloves

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Does anyone know if there is ANY difference whatsoever between the Jofa HG9800 and RBK 8K gloves? They look identical except for the graphics (see pic below). Same with the Jofa HG7500 and RBK 6K versions.

And if they are indeed the very same gloves, it's kinda funny how they became very popular all in a sudden just because they got a new name and new graphics. Yet it's wellknown that a huge majority of the NHL'ers wear at least some kind of Jofa equipment, but apparently not their gloves.

That makes me wonder why they didn't seem to appreciate these gloves last season and now they're a new hot trend in the league, if it's just the same glove with a new logo on it?


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Hot Trend in the NHL or leagues around you? I haven't seen many RBK gloves around yet, none that I recall infact, but I would mind a pair. Yes, for the RBK design and palms mostly.

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Well seems as most teams in the NHL have at least a few players wearing them (not saying a majority of the players are though), but compared to the Jofa gloves it's a pretty massive outbreak (I can only remember seeing a handful players in the whole league wearing the Jofa gloves). But yes, local leagues seem to be picking this "Rbk trend" up as well.

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They are the same gloves. The only difference is they now say RBK on them. I would wear either, in fact I do have the RBK 8K. I was originally looking for the Jofa 9800 but couldn't find any hockey shops with any in stock so I ended up with the RBK's. If you can find the 9800's anywhere they'll probably be a discount price, (because they're not the in thing) I would grab them because you'll be buying the same thing. It's a nice glove with plenty of protection and its very light to boot. :D

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I think Petey is wondering that if it is a trend in the NHL because we are seeing alot of RBK gloves this year then Jofa gloves last season.

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Follow the money! RBK is the official brand of NHL protective product. I know Jofa was too but the stakes have been raised as now RBK OWNS THC, not just the fact that Jofa was licensed as the official brand of the NHL the last few years. This is another example of the changing landscape of NHL hockey and brand exposure.

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The base construction of the two gloves is quite similar. The branding and design were changed to complement a full product launch of RBK product. Here are the main differences:

1) The cuff roll is now floating providing more outward mobility.

2) New flex cut on inner palm is more agressive and improves inward mobility.

3) New liner on hand/backhand as well as new materials in the fingers aimed at covering the stitch lines.

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Thanks for answering my question corry, I've always been curious if there is any difference between these two gloves. But I've always forgotten to ask, until now. :lol:

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the 8k is a lot more mobile than the jofa and the liner makes it much mroe comforable, so it's not just hype. also, the 8k has inserts, so maybe the pros like the extra protection?

according to my friend though, the pittards palm stretches alot, so it doesn't sound very durable

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Marketing is the reason your seeing them in the NHL this year. I'd wear them too if Reebok paid me to wear them, as long as they are a decent product, which they are. As I mentioned before the Jofa 9800 and Reebok 8K are basically the same glove.

They have Sidney Crosby wearing Reebok this year, check it out next time you see the Penguins. Talk about getting exposure and more money for the Next One. <_<

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Marketing is the reason your seeing them in the NHL this year. I'd wear them too if Reebok paid me to wear them, as long as they are a decent product, which they are. As I mentioned before the Jofa 9800 and Reebok 8K are basically the same glove.

They have Sidney Crosby wearing Reebok this year, check it out next time you see the Penguins. Talk about getting exposure and more money for the Next One. <_<

Very few players are paid to wear specific brands. Certain teams will have more of one brand than another. Lou's NJ Devils have always favored CCM branded gloves since he came on board.

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I got my Reebok gloves back in June and when I play I still get people asking me about them and where I got em. I think they just look better than the Jofa's and also since Reebok is new to the game many people just want whats new.

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