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Chara's stick

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Did anybody get a good look at Chara's stick today?

It was definitely an Easton, but it was a full blue colour.

And is Heatleys stealth: custom all black, or sprayed?

Life is good now that hockey's back.

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its the same cyclone he's been using the last couple seasons. nothing new. heatley's stick just looked like a stealth with a chrome bottom sprayed. he did that to most of his previous sticks.

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its the same cyclone he's been using the last couple seasons. nothing new. heatley's stick just looked like a stealth with a chrome bottom sprayed. he did that to most of his previous sticks.

Go look at Heatley's pics on gettyimages. It most definitely isn't sprayed, unless Dany Heatley took the time to tape off all the easton lettering and the easton logo to spraypaint his sticks. All the original Easton GFX are on there perfectly like on a normal stealth, just black.

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does easton make the actually shaft way longer for chara or does he use a big ass plug?

The 120s I've owned/seen are a few inches longer than standard, probably still not big enough for him though.

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its the same cyclone he's been using the last couple seasons. nothing new. heatley's stick just looked like a stealth with a chrome bottom sprayed. he did that to most of his previous sticks.

Go look at Heatley's pics on gettyimages. It most definitely isn't sprayed, unless Dany Heatley took the time to tape off all the easton lettering and the easton logo to spraypaint his sticks. All the original Easton GFX are on there perfectly like on a normal stealth, just black.

i'm just going off what i saw during the game. mostly after the second alfreddsson goal. it wasn't totally blacked out, it just looked like someone lightly sprayed black paint over the bottom chrome part. the top part was stock black easton with the logos.

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There is a rule in the NHL about the length of players' sticks. I remember an announcer mentioning a few seasons ago that Chara might be allowed to pass on an exception rule. Don't know what happened with that. If he isn't allowed as an exception, his shaft is not longer than the league maximum, and there are probably a few players at least that have the same length shafts.

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Doesn't St. Louis have a pretty long stick?

ya, he does for his height, but hes like 5'6, so his stick stick is probably still a foot and half shorter than Chara's. Soezza uses a really long too. Second longest on the sens.

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does he actually use a cyclone?

isnt that made for smaller hands? and he has to have giant hands...

its a pro ultra lite 120 flex shaft painted like a cyclone. they are a little fatter than a normal ultra lite shaft. 54" long and of course 120 flex. chara's might be even longer, but no one has scored one yet to compare.

...edit: now that i think about it, it might be 52". i can't remember. i sold both of mine.

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does he actually use a cyclone?

isnt that made for smaller hands? and he has to have giant hands...

I don't think anyone's used an actual Cyclone. Every "Cyclone" I've seen in the NHL has been a 120 UL with Cyclone graphics.

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On ebay awhile ago i think it was a 120 flex synthesis from the sens annual pro return sale or w.e

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Matty Norstrom from the Kings has been using a "Cyclone" for years now. Even going back to the orginal red/black graphics. You saying that's actually an UL, Mack?

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Never seen one of his personally, but Duchesne, Hulse and a couple others have just had ULs with that scheme.

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why would they paint a stick in a cyclone form?? they would be better painting in UL or Synthesis(popular shaft..)

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