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need a good pair of running shoes

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Well, i always used basket ball shoes(dada) for running and gym class...running 2km was good..but now i ran 5km...i couldn't make it all because my feet was hurting so much! i had to walk a bit...

now i borrow my father shoes(they are 1 size too small) even if they were too small i didn't experiment a hurt or something like this!

But since i bought 3 pair of shoes in the same month...(this summer) my mother don't whant to go over 60cnd... so i can't afford a big pair of NIKE!

Any one know some close-out shoes or brand that could do the same as the big brand shoes...but at a fraction of the cost??

thanks you


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I'd suggest any running shoe new balance makes.

I can second that, my dad got a pair of nice NB shoes. They have a shoe for every fit.

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Cushioned and stabalazed differently. Allow for more ankle movement than basketball shoes I believe. My Dads a long distance runner and he swear by Saucony's, if they aren't available he wears New Balance. Try going to actual running stores first, they usually have a pair or two on for great clearance prices.

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I have 2 pairs of those, I love em. Very comfortable. I ran with them in hockey camp like a mile each day almost. Good price! Awesome shoe.

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Can someone explain me if it better to have cushioned shoes or a normal running shoes?? or even a normal running shoes with a cushin insole?

What i'm wondering is: is it because my basket ball shoes are not enought cushioned that make me hurt my leg like this...like the shoes need to absorb more the shock!

by the way, thanks for all your reply guys!! been very helpful...i'm ending over the NB now..

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Try finding some closeout Nike Shox.Im sure you will beable to find some for under $60 CND in your size somewhere

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by the way, do the nike shoes ads about the ''are you ready for your :45" is a running shoes or a TRAINING shoes?

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by the way, do the nike shoes ads about the ''are you ready for your :45" is a running shoes or a TRAINING shoes?

It's a "hockey player" specific shoe designed for dryland and weight training exercises.

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haha that think is f*ck up loll...but how much are these?? 300us?

and do you really think the chip help something lol!

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by the way, do the nike shoes ads about the ''are you ready for your :45" is a running shoes or a TRAINING shoes?

It's a "hockey player" specific shoe designed for dryland and weight training exercises.

I have those, great shoes so far, and they look SWEET...I had a3 transfers before but the outsole ripped off in the first week so i exchanged them for the Nikes...they are holding up really well for how much abuse i put them through, but if you have shin splint problems like me, i'd reccomend getting some better insoles for them. :o

I think these are a little out of your price range though man, they costed me 75 USD.

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the 45's are just designed for 45 second interval training, you can use them for football, hockey, boxing, whatever you need.

as far as the basketball shoes hurting you, it's because they are too stiff. in basketball, you need to keep the foot flat and stable, to keep you from injuring yourself. as a result, the sole has harder cushioning and is much stiffer than a running shoe.

running shoe cushioning depends on your weight and the way you run. some are "control" type shoes, which are good if you're a heavy pronator. shin splints are caused when you run on pavement or hard surfaces, and your shoes can't cushion the impact properly. if you're only looking to spend $60 on a pair of running shoes, try to find a clearance centre first, you'll be able to pick up shoes $100 or more for your budget. try them on and jog a tiny bit in the store, to get a feel for hte cushioning, fit and whether the shoes is too flexible or too stiff for you.

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okay thanks guys...but i might put a bit more money in them...that what my mom will gave me for these shoes...i can pay the rest

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if you're only looking to spend $60 on a pair of running shoes, try to find a clearance centre first, you'll be able to pick up shoes $100 or more for your budget. try them on and jog a tiny bit in the store, to get a feel for hte cushioning, fit and whether the shoes is too flexible or too stiff for you.

Indeed. I picked up a pair of Adidas Radiate at DSW's clearance section for like $24. Not bad for a $100 shoe.

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I'll third the Nike Free's. If you get them, I suggest getting the ones WITHOUT the strap. It loses the velcro-ness and doesn't stay down. It flaps around and it is driving me crazy. Besides that, they are amazing shoes.

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