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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Forsberg for life

New tps stick

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i was at play it again sprots in calgary, and they have red xn10's and some new stick that's black and silver from tps, i think it is called the intrigue. does anyone know anything about this ?

Intrigues are nice sticks, similar to the Mission Z1. I have a bunch of the blades and shafts in the shop and they're selling pretty well because they're at a decent price point.

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hey chadd...how is the balance of it??( i'm more interestin in the blade then the shaft...) maybe you did put one blade in the shaft...

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hey chadd...how is the balance of it??( i'm more interestin in the blade then the shaft...) maybe you did put one blade in the shaft...

The intermediate is a little blade heavy, I don't have my senior OPS yet. One of the kids who works at the rink was thinking about one but I put him in a Salming shaft and blade instead.

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I haven't seen this Control stick, is it in the catolog? Does it have that lightening bolt-looking thing on it? Could someone upload a pic, please?

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oh oh here another scoop from JR lol!!!

by the way, are you going to do like last year(with all the catalogue and meeting rep for 2006??)

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oh oh here another scoop from JR lol!!!

by the way, are you going to do like last year(with all the catalogue and meeting rep for 2006??)

lol, hardly a scoop for JR. Its been in Hockey Weekly for a few weeks now.

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Fall release...green and black, it's an Adrenaline w/ grip.

What's the grip like? Still sticking with the rubber, or is it TPS' soft grip? I remember the Pro Soft grip being pretty popular at the time of the Original Response on the board.

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