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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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you pick a INT size...i mean it a free demo thing...the idea is to get the feeling of the blade...after if the feeling is good on ice..you buy it and cut it

like i did with the Flexlite...i picked a pair of 8.5d(i bought 8d) even if they were 0.5 size too big i still could get a idea if i like or not this skate

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if its only a $10 deposit whats stopping someone from just stealing the stick? i am missing something here? hopefully they take a CC # or u cant actually take the stick out of the store?

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if its only a $10 deposit whats stopping someone from just stealing the stick? i am missing something here? hopefully they take a CC # or u cant actually take the stick out of the store?

yea that the only part that i don't get...but if they do this...it mean that they trust their customer ...and as a customer i wouldn't do shit with them because it something that an appreciate...beeing able to test a 300$ stick before buying it

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We keep the demos for demos only Take a credit card# and apply the $10 to a new stick.. Some people have tried more than one.. We apply the balance to the stick. I think every shop could do this it keeps customers shopping at the local store. I also like the fact that The customer feels way better about the sale.

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I'd done it for years at baseball stores and it's a beauty idea. But like someone asked earlier, what about differences in length?

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