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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Sticks?

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at work today I asked one of my co-workers if companies like Bauer Nike do custom orders of sticks because I know Sher-Wood does SOPs but I wanted to know if other companies did batches of custom woodsticks. He said every company does it if you pay them the right amount of coin. A while back I emailed BNH and they said they don't do custom sticks. I kept listening and he said BNH will do stamp your name and make your pattern but you have to order a batch of 24. Did he actually mean 12? Cause Sher-Wood only requires you to buy a minimum of 12.

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24 for NBH

any info on how much it costs per stick? Also info on the sticks? Like can I use any graphics from sticks they make like V-12 or Zero-G? Is the quality worse than SOP or equal?

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id reccomend going through sherwood since thats what they make mainly is hockey sticks and there known for there wood sticks where bauer isnt that well know.

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Do Bauer and Sherwood also make custom OPS?

If Bauer does, is the minimum order quantity also 24 sticks?

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no company makes custom ops, it would cost far too much to create the molds and everything. if they did offer custom ops i heard a price would be in the tens of thousands, since it costs alot to create a mold for the sort of pattern you want

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id reccomend going through sherwood since thats what they make mainly is hockey sticks and there known for there wood sticks where bauer isnt that well know.

lol, are you serious? You wuold rather have a momentum than a vapor 20/30? Can i have some of what you are smoking please.....

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id reccomend going through sherwood since thats what they make mainly is hockey sticks and there known for there wood sticks where bauer isnt that well know.

lol, are you serious? You wuold rather have a momentum than a vapor 20/30? Can i have some of what you are smoking please.....

he was talking about custom woodies

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id reccomend going through sherwood since thats what they make mainly is hockey sticks and there known for there wood sticks where bauer isnt that well know.

lol, are you serious? You wuold rather have a momentum than a vapor 20/30? Can i have some of what you are smoking please.....

he was talking about custom woodies

but it would be so cool if they let you have your own woods with your name on it and with like Vapor XX, Vapor XXX, Apollo, Endure etc; graphics. then you can say i have a Vapor XXX woodie! :lol:

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at work today I asked one of my co-workers if companies like Bauer Nike do custom orders of sticks because I know Sher-Wood does SOPs but I wanted to know if other companies did batches of custom woodsticks. He said every company does it if you pay them the right amount of coin. A while back I emailed BNH and they said they don't do custom sticks. I kept listening and he said BNH will do stamp your name and make your pattern but you have to order a batch of 24. Did he actually mean 12? Cause Sher-Wood only requires you to buy a minimum of 12.

Try Christian...the minimum is only 6.

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at work today I asked one of my co-workers if companies like Bauer Nike do custom orders of sticks because I know Sher-Wood does SOPs but I wanted to know if other companies did batches of custom woodsticks. He said every company does it if you pay them the right amount of coin. A while back I emailed BNH and they said they don't do custom sticks. I kept listening and he said BNH will do stamp your name and make your pattern but you have to order a batch of 24. Did he actually mean 12? Cause Sher-Wood only requires you to buy a minimum of 12.

Try Christian...the minimum is only 6.

do you know if they let you completely black out the stick like logos, graphics etc and just leave your name bar white and your name printed black? Espeecially with the blade and shaft, those graphics are terrible...I espeically hate the diamond sock look

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at work today I asked one of my co-workers if companies like Bauer Nike do custom orders of sticks because I know Sher-Wood does SOPs but I wanted to know if other companies did batches of custom woodsticks. He said every company does it if you pay them the right amount of coin. A while back I emailed BNH and they said they don't do custom sticks. I kept listening and he said BNH will do stamp your name and make your pattern but you have to order a batch of 24. Did he actually mean 12? Cause Sher-Wood only requires you to buy a minimum of 12.

Try Christian...the minimum is only 6.

do you know if they let you completely black out the stick like logos, graphics etc and just leave your name bar white and your name printed black? Espeecially with the blade and shaft, those graphics are terrible...I espeically hate the diamond sock look

You dont have to get the diamond sock......I didnt

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no company makes custom ops, it would cost far too much to create the molds and everything. if they did offer custom ops i heard a price would be in the tens of thousands, since it costs alot to create a mold for the sort of pattern you want

That´s incorrect.

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Any company will make you anything just as long you pay them the right amount of cash. Theres nothing companies won't do for a large sum of cash. You'd better have a lot of cash money or split the thing with someone else if you want a custom order of ops.

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no company makes custom ops, it would cost far too much to create the molds and everything. if they did offer custom ops i heard a price would be in the tens of thousands, since it costs alot to create a mold for the sort of pattern you want

That´s incorrect.

He says a lot of incorrect things. I believe that GURU over on the EMB mentioned some similar numbers for their process, but not everyone uses that process. I know one company quoted me $3k for a mold, but I'm waiting for that to be closer to $300 before I go forward with mine.

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no company makes custom ops, it would cost far too much to create the molds and everything. if they did offer custom ops i heard a price would be in the tens of thousands, since it costs alot to create a mold for the sort of pattern you want

That´s incorrect.

He says a lot of incorrect things. I believe that GURU over on the EMB mentioned some similar numbers for their process, but not everyone uses that process. I know one company quoted me $3k for a mold, but I'm waiting for that to be closer to $300 before I go forward with mine.

I´ve been offered custom 2004 model Synergies through a Swiss dealer for about 350 Eur per piece at a minimum of 12 sticks. = 450~480 US$ per stick. I have been offered custom Vectors as well. They were supposed to be about 300 Eur if I remember right at a minimum of 15. They told me that they can get custom TPS and Busch sticks as well. Since I don´t have 5 grand to spend on sticks though I backed out. <_<

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you can start your own OPS stick company with your friends and get sick sticks for like 100 dollars if you get them made for your company :D :P . As soon as I finish my econ class that sounds good ;) .

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