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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate, market share 2005 season

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New season with lots of nwe gear, how is the sale from the stores now, any new trends,

How is bauer doing, up our down

Easton, any sucsess with there new line, who is going over to thie brand, Bauer our CCm users?

Mission, any sale our standing still,

Nike, up our down,

Rbk, lots of news, accepted by the buyers?

CCm loosing ground our hanging in?

Graf, up our down this season?

Who is the winner and looser this season in the market place?

Thanks for info, hope to see Bauer Nike loose ground, any comments, we need several strong brands in the business!

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New season with lots of nwe gear, how is the sale from the stores now, any new trends,

How is bauer doing, up our down

Easton, any sucsess with there new line, who is going over to thie brand, Bauer our CCm users?

Mission, any sale our standing still,

Nike, up our down,

Rbk, lots of news, accepted by the buyers?

CCm loosing ground our hanging in?

Graf, up our down this season?

Who is the winner and looser this season in the market place?

Thanks for info, hope to see Bauer Nike loose ground, any comments, we need several strong brands in the business!

RBK stuff is selling like crazy in my store. Kids still want Easton Sticks though, but not much else easton. CCM (Rbk) and Bauer still lead the pack in skate sales. Helmets are Bauer and RBK. Goal equip is RBK all the way. Nike and Mission are not popular, no one ever asks for. Really have to push to sell the stuff, although Mission shins selling well. Everyone likes Eagle, no many can afford it. Same with graf.

Funny you ask, a customer who has a good friend in Bauer sales was telling me the other day how pissed his friend was that RBK has grabbed such a large market share. So, they must be feeling it. It's only going to get worse for them now that the NHL has so many RBKrs! I will say, RBK has cut into my CCM skate sales.

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funny... nothing is exciting im my market. my dealers are all hurting!!! and no one brand is really creating a buzz.

so much to the fact that my dealers either didn't book at all this year, or have since cancelled bookings, with all brands.

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funny... nothing is exciting im my market. my dealers are all hurting!!! and no one brand is really creating a buzz.

so much to the fact that my dealers either didn't book at all this year, or have since cancelled bookings, with all brands.

Dealers are now reluctant to book, especially when manufacturers change models every year, then dump their remaining stock to the internet sites before the dealers get to reduce stock. You get burned and can only take so many losses.

Having said that, my sales are up 10% this year, but I'm in a big hockey area.

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Thanks for great info, you guys know a lot of the market place

How is the new Easton doing, i have 40 procent inncrease in Easton skate sale, all older Bauer customers feed up with bad quality and no customer pride are switching, nice for a hockey stoe owner to work with a brand that you can trust in terms of warehousing, overstock and new models, i ahte the web hsops that sell stuff on sale before the stores can get there stock out!

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Thanks for great info, you guys know a lot of the market place

How is the new Easton doing, i have 40 procent inncrease in Easton skate sale, all older Bauer customers feed up with bad quality and no customer pride are switching, nice for a hockey stoe owner to work with a brand that you can trust in terms of warehousing, overstock and new models, i ahte the web hsops that sell stuff on sale before the stores can get there stock out!

Where is your shop?

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Where can i get info on market share for hockey skates, any officiall numbers from the industry?

My store is in Norway

One point i like to make, after Bauer Nike lost so much market share they have taken over 3 big teams and signed them for a great amount of money, over 60 procent higher than current deals with other companies, is this a company in panic our what, they will not get more space in stores by selling directly to the teams, this is madness and making pro shops suffer!

Brands should go thru pro stores not direct to teams!

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Thanks for great info, you guys know a lot of the market place

How is the new Easton doing, i have 40 procent inncrease in Easton skate sale, all older Bauer customers feed up with bad quality and no customer pride are switching, nice for a hockey stoe owner to work with a brand that you can trust in terms of warehousing, overstock and new models, i ahte the web hsops that sell stuff on sale before the stores can get there stock out!

Ah... Easton dumps their stuff to web sites cheap just like the others. Changes models every year too. IMO, their skates suck, but that's just me.

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Thanks for great info, you guys know a lot of the market place

How is the new Easton doing, i have 40 procent inncrease in Easton skate sale, all older Bauer customers feed up with bad quality and no customer pride are switching, nice for a hockey stoe owner to work with a brand that you can trust in terms of warehousing, overstock and new models, i ahte the web hsops that sell stuff on sale before the stores can get there stock out!

Ah... Easton dumps their stuff to web sites cheap just like the others. Changes models every year too. IMO, their skates suck, but that's just me.

I know a lot of people who bought Easton skates, once. Nobody I know ever bought a second pair.

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