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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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for you guys in University or college, u have this jokeshow? its hilarious, ive had it for 2 years but didnt know so many college guys were on the board. great wheeling device nonetheless for broads

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there are people at my school that have been addicted to facebook for the last two years... i signed up two years ago and still haven't put up a picture or anything......

hummm, wonder what my password was?

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So gay. I remember it starting up and there were just a handful of schools so I forgot about it, then everyone had to push it on you and add them.

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I guess it just sounds like it must be more useful at a bigger school (25k students and up).

There are a lot of people that try to turn a friend total into a competition here too, but I've limited my contacts on there to people I actually know, so I guess you could say I just use it as a social networking tool, but if it disappeared tomorrow I can't particularly say I'd miss it.

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Well bringing up a rite old topic, on facebook it won't let me add myself to the school i go to network and ive tryed sending the email but it doesnt work any one know what to do?

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^they've nailed kids at my school for that in dorm rooms. total bullshit. That stopped as soon as administrators soon had beer cans expertly photoshopped into their hands

It's nearly a must for getting some these days. unfortunately.

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No way, because the original quote was something about needing it to get the young ones. I guess Facebook and Myspace are now the Internet's version of Heisman's van and "help me find my lost bunny" story.

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Maybe you've been expelled and you just don't know it.

I hope i didn't get expelled just went from public to a private school this week, it would be pretty shitty to get expelled the first week

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I know a couple kids who have gotten underages from it.

Right here, got suspended from school for it and was almost expelled. Dumb girls put up dumb pictures from parties.

My GF's kid (15) has her FB full of pictures of her and her (underage) friends drinking.

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this is why you untag yourself from pictures.

Yeah...I've noticed they tend to be more concerned with how they look then with who may see them with the brown bottle.

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I know my girlfriends friends have gotten in some shit with their parents over facebook and such, they are all 16. I usually end up buying the beers for her and her friends since they are only 16 but I've had parents call me and ask if I'm driving to parties and such or if I will be looking out for the girls, mostly because their moms have facebook now. I'm considering deleting myself just over this horse shit.

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Eh, I never check my kid's facebook page. Although, I don't need to.... there WAS that one time JR told me she had a questionable photo posted within 5 minutes of it going up... so I suggested she take it down. lmao - that was the funniest. JR knows EVERYTHING.

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