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Pro gloves

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why is it that most top of the line retail gloves are leather, while most nhl/pro gloves are cloth? how do you obtain, for instance, eagle or XXX gloves in cloth?

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There are many Benifits to this poly Knit Fabric. our Max Pro comes standard with the material as well.

- Lighter

-More flexible, softerfeel

- More Durable

- Dries out quicket


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Probably the same reason no popular pro curves sell well enough to manufacture. It seems gaudy and cheap to the general public, I'm thinking.

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Probably the same reason no popular pro curves sell well enough to manufacture. It seems gaudy and cheap to the general public, I'm thinking.

Most people only see nylon on $20 gloves, so they assume all nylon gloves are cheap. Personally, I don't get the nylon glove thing. The weight difference is tiny, not many of us have to jump a plane after the game then have a morning skate where we need dry gear.

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I dunno, maybe it's just mental + PP but I've never liked leather. Last leather gloves I owned were Easton 1350s and that was eons ago.

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The problem with nylon (really is polyester) is that players buy their gloves as if they were buying a cauch... leather always looks richer as a material, whether it's genuine or synthetic.

When the Vapor XXX came out, everyone thought it wouldn't sell because of the fabric. However, consumers really liked how nice the glove fitted, so they bought it. All those crazy tech guys predicted the XXX would not sell. We were all wrong, because as long as the glove feels nice, protects well, and have a cool look, it will sell.

Again, the fabric is used by the majority of the pros, but consumers don't see that on their TV. They're so used to see top of the line gloves made of synthetic leather that they think it's the best.

But in the end, nylon really is lighter, dries faster, is more flexible, and is just as durable as synthetic leather. Most consumers will reply that a skate cut will definitly damage the fabric... but keep in mind the leather will not be more resistent to skate cuts. What is anyway, except when you get in more expensive material like kevlar (which is way too expensive anyway).

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I reckon it's because the leather and synthetic leather gloves available in the shops are better quality with better palms. If the companies bought out a good quality nylon glove with good palms, then the public would buy them because you would expect them to be somewhat cheaper.

I bought (name brand) nylon gloves once and the palms wore out in 3 months, where my Louiseville leather gloves have fantastic palms that are only just wearing out now after 6 years! In fact the stitching and leather is wearing out before the palms!

Price is important, as here in Australia we pay double what you guys do in Canada and North America!! Also, the range here is extremely limited.. thank god for online shopping!!

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I'd bet the XX is the best Bauer selling glove at retail. I never get asked for the XXX or see it in any of the equipment bags I sanitize, yet the XX sells well and is very common. Someone above mentioned nylon being associated with cheap $20 gloves. That was my first impression when I saw the XXX. Beer league guys want durability, and nylon doesn't cut it for them, especially with a $100 plus price tag. If the XXX is selling, it is largly because of the "top of the line" factor, some folks just have to have it, it's a status thing. You could take a cheap Nylon glove and put XXXX on it and it would sell to those folks. It's all about image. As for the pro's, you can't make assumpsions on why pro's wear things, often it's payola influenced and/or what you see is so far from the retail version, it aint funny.

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I wear nylon eagle x70 and my hands sweat a ton, compared to leather my hands never feel heavy nor soaked. I would never go back to a leather or leather synthetic glove again

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When Cooper was still a "Pro" name, their pro model glove in the 90s was all nylon knit and available at retail. I own 4 pair and rotate using them to add life. The gloves are extremely light, have plastic inserts for slash protection, and I always repalm them with synthetic palms. These are still my all time favorite gloves for fit, comfort, and durability.

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I reckon it's because the leather and synthetic leather gloves available in the shops are better quality with better palms. If the companies bought out a good quality nylon glove with good palms, then the public would buy them because you would expect them to be somewhat cheaper.

I don't know about other gloves, but the only difference between our PG1's (PU leather) and PG3's (polyester mesh) is the PG1's have a sticky grip added to the palms.

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