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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is the green Z-bubble different than the

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Really liked the balance of it and it lightweight and durability...(lasted me 1 year), and i can't find any-deal beside on the older one

But do the older one are differente in term of shaft feel,durabillity or balance...except the taper...does it make a difference in term of performance?

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Well from what most people say the old school z-bubble was way more durrible than they new ones. I see alot of the newer z-bubbles broken at the taper in garbage cans at my rink.

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Well from what most people say the old school z-bubble was way more durrible than they new ones. I see alot of the newer z-bubbles broken at the taper in garbage cans at my rink.

The new ones can't possibly be less durable than the green ones

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Well from what most people say the old school z-bubble was way more durrible than they new ones. I see alot of the newer z-bubbles broken at the taper in garbage cans at my rink.

The new ones can't possibly be less durable than the green ones

unless they're making them out of dry spaghetti, that's the only way they could be less durable than the originals.

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I'm on year 5 of my first green Z-Bubble. I still have 2 more. I've never tried the blue ones but I snapped a Z-Bubble grip in 2-3 months. Z-Bubble is an incredible shaft.

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Every green Bubble I ever owned was usually destroyed within the first few weeks (and I was still quite young and small when I was using them - maybe about 13 or so...). I haven't even thought of buying the newer ones.

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Yeah I've had a green Z Bubble of about 5 years and it is still amazing. The only problem is that it is so whippy now

Oh boy did I just jinx myself. I slapped an ABS blade in it and went to use it in the drive way. First shot it snaps on the T in EasTon. :angry:

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