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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pant Shells

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Dark Star

Do you have a red, medium? I'd appreciate it.


Sorry, I don't stock red. I have black and navy(all have the travel team logo embroidered).

BTW, the Easton shells size very big so there is a difference from brand to brand. The denier nylons can all be the same but each company cuts their shell differently. We often match up brand-to-brand, size-to-size in the shop for newbies joining our travel program. The brands never match up so each player will like a different fit/cut for whatever reason. The Tackla shell mixes the elastic nylon upper with the denier bottom. They are also very popular in our shop.

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Dark Star

Do you have a red, medium? I'd appreciate it.


Sorry, I don't stock red. I have black and navy(all have the travel team logo embroidered).

BTW, the Easton shells size very big so there is a difference from brand to brand. The denier nylons can all be the same but each company cuts their shell differently. We often match up brand-to-brand, size-to-size in the shop for newbies joining our travel program. The brands never match up so each player will like a different fit/cut for whatever reason. The Tackla shell mixes the elastic nylon upper with the denier bottom. They are also very popular in our shop.

I like the Tacklas, they cover the upper pads on their girdle pretty well. The SP shells are huge, they easily work as pant shells not just over a girdle.

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i can get you a red we have lots in stock. contact Chadd as he is one of our authorized dealers if you wish... and we can get them to you

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material durablity.

Same dernier rating on the material

I don't have the specs on the new CCM PP92 shell but it is way better quality than the PP52, tackla, tps and Bauer shells. Thicker in addition to feeling very beefy all around.

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I have some flaming june, but there a little tore up. Never should of put my skates on first with pants that dont have zippers. Id sell em to ya but i doubt you want them.

thanx twist, but im looking for new

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