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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Richard park

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really..?? richard park is a asian?? LOL...his name really dont sound asian

anyways i remember a while back on ebay when they were selling his pro stock synthesis blade it was like a iginla or maybe i'm mistaken and it is a sakic...but for sure a mid curve..

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yah i gota see that picture, funny since richie park aint a real looker, wonder what she'll look like.

park's a common korean name, his using a inno 1100 right now, but unsure about hte curve

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As someone said, Park is a popular Korean name. So is Young, but sometimes spelled Jung or Yung.

Kariya has a hot sister. My little bro went to UMaine, all the Kariyas went there. Shes some kind of boxer now. lol. If you go to gettimages and search "Paul Kariya" or maybe even just "Kariya" there are some pics of her.

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